Beitar Jerusalem: Barak Abramov’s representative speaks

by time news

Behind the scenes of the entire transaction of the purchase of Beitar Jerusalem by Barak Abramov were the legal representatives. The one who represented Barak Abramov, and according to the new owner of Beitar also pleaded with him all along that this was a dangerous deal that he had better get out of, is the lawyer Roy Rosen. Rosen, considered one without whom Abramov does not take a step, was skeptical about the execution of the deal until the last minute, and almost did not believe that there was a possibility of closing the agreement under the imposed restrictions.

Now that the deal has been agreed, in the post he uploaded he summarizes the event: “About a month ago, Barak Abramov called me and informed me that he was buying Beitar Jerusalem. the truth? It seemed to me like something completely imaginary and as time went by this feeling even got stronger. From there, I experienced one of the craziest, most complicated, fascinating, stressful and interesting adventures I’ve had in my professional life. You can write a book (at least a book) about the events, the dramas, the emotions and the almost unimaginable stories we went through.

“In the end it ended the way it ended and now the club is embarking on a new journey. I am happy that Beitar Jerusalem was saved in the last second of the 90th minute – there is no other way to define this visible miracle that prevented the sure dissolution of the club. Beitar Jerusalem is a huge club, an important club and it is above all a club that needs root canal treatment and recovery.”

Tense and difficult days. Lawyer Roy Rosen next to Yitzhak Junger | Odi Citiat

At the beginning of the week, Abramov’s people will sit down again with the numbers in order to understand what the purchasing budget that the owner has designated for Yossi Abouxis, also in accordance with the guarantees that he will be forced to place in control, in the amount of approximately NIS 14 million. Amit Cohen will be needed early next week from Bnei Yehuda, when in addition to him 3-4 foreigners will be added. The club was offered a number of foreign goalkeepers, but it was made clear to them that the reins this year would be given to Nathaniel Deloya.

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