A famous actress who was involved in a car accident, died without treatment! American cinema in shock

by time news
  • Anne H is famous for her roles in Psycho(1998), Superman Doomsday, Volcano, Six Days Seven Nights.
  • Anne H’s family is preparing to donate her organs

The famous American actress Anne H was seriously injured in a car accident and died without treatment, which has shocked the Hollywood film industry.

Famous Hollywood actress Anne H (53) was traveling in her Mini Cooper car in Los Angeles, USA.

The car crashed into a building and burst into flames. Firefighters rushed to the spot after getting information about this and after an hour of struggle they extinguished the fire and rescued Anne.


Anne H, who was seriously injured in the accident on the 5th, was hospitalized in a critical condition. It was reported that his survival was difficult due to extensive burns on his body and a severe blow to his brain.

It has been officially announced that Anne H, who has been undergoing intensive treatment for a week, has passed away. His death has shocked and saddened the Hollywood film industry.

Anne Heche

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