Gender-speaking: “Hey WDR, what is an intensive care nurse?”

by time news
media Gender talk on TV

“Hey WDR, what is an intensive care nurse?”

WDR presenter Stefan Fuckert, here at a previous job engagement

WDR presenter Stefan Fuckert, here at a previous job engagement

Source: picture alliance/dpa/Revierfoto

In its local programs, the WDR apparently likes to experiment with gender language: moderators spoke of a “nurse” several times. Criticism and ridicule followed promptly.

Bthe hashtag made it to the news service Twitter #nurse on Saturday in the list of current trends.

In their posts, numerous users made fun of two short video snippets from current WDR programs in which the moderators apparently wanted to speak gender-correctly recently, and local media such as “Der Westen” also took up the topic.

One of the stumbling blocks was moderator Stefan Fuckert, who reported on the forest fires in the “WDR Lokalzeit” from South Westphalia and invited fire chief Lisa Petri, who is actually a nurse by profession.

Fuckert literally said in the post, which is now also circulating on the Internet as a short video snippet: “She did her training on a voluntary basis alongside her actual job and it is really fulfilling. intensive care nurse”.

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Criticism came, among others, from the German Language Association asked provocatively on Twitter: “Hey WDR, what is an intensive care nurse?”. The fact that the term was not a slip of the tongue became clear as the program progressed, when the moderator used the term a second time.

In one case, WDR speaks of a mistake

“Is it even stupider?” critics then asked online, “You don’t have them all anymore”it was also said on Twitter or: “Gender madness eats away at the brain”. Other writers, however, advocated the case easy to see: “Those were the days when you could make a mistake on TV, and EVERYONE just laughed.”

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Signed: Gisela Zifonun, Martin Neef, Claudia Guderian, Manfred Krifka

However, very few succeeded, because resourceful Twitter users had also tracked down a second TV snippet in which a another WDR presenter used the term.

This was just a slip of the tongue that could happen in a live broadcast, explained the WDR the Twitter user then.

The broadcaster did not comment on the Fuckert case, the moderator himself (active on Instagram, among other things) has not yet publicly commented.

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