Kaczynski accused Russia of waging a multi-stage hybrid war | News | News

by time news

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, head of the ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) in Poland, deputy prime minister in charge of the power ministries’ bloc, said in an interview with Gazeta Polska that Russia is currently waging a “multi-stage hybrid war” against the country. The full text of the conversation will be published by the edition on October 20.

According to him, at the moment a hybrid war is being waged against Poland in two directions at once: near the border with Belarus and in Warsaw itself. The politician believes that the creation of these two fronts allowed the presidents of Russia and Belarus, Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, to “intensify the attack.”

In addition, Kaczynski believes that Lukashenko deliberately organized the migration crisis on the Polish border, and the head of PiS accused Moscow and Minsk of supporting the Polish opposition, which stood up to protect Belarusian migrants.

“But whatever they do, whatever they do or what they do, our resolve will not change. The borders of the Republic of Poland are sacred, ”Kaczynski stressed.

Earlier, on October 16, Poland proposed to the European Union to introduce new sanctions against Russia. A corresponding initiative was put forward by the Polish Institute of International Relations (PISM), a research organization established by the country’s parliament. The reason for this decision, according to the representatives of the organization, is the “aggressive” behavior of the Russian Federation towards the EU.

On October 15, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that Western countries do not like the stable development of Russia and its strengthening in the international arena, so they are trying to put pressure on the Russian Federation, including with sanctions and information provocations.

On September 17, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Belarus of allegedly bringing more than 10,000 people from the Middle East to Minsk for illegal transfer to the European Union. He also said that this difficult situation could develop into a long-term crisis.

Minsk, on the other hand, categorically rejected accusations of involvement in the creation of the crisis. State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich said that Poland and Lithuania had attempted to expel over 8.5 thousand refugees into the territory of the republic in two months. He stressed that this approach is not a solution to the problem of migration, and called on his Western colleagues for dialogue.

On September 27, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko called the situation with migrants a humanitarian disaster.

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