Long Covid, here are the results of our survey – time.news

by time news
from Sergio Harari and Luigi Ripamonti

38% of those who were cared for at home and 23% of those who were hospitalized reported being totally asymptomatic after some time from the moment the disease first appeared. It talks about it in the insert on newsstands Thursday 14 October

We are publishing a preview of part of an article in the new Corriere Salute. You can read the full text on the issue at newsstands for free on Thursday 14 October or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera.

What happens over time to those who have had Covid? Which symptoms are most common? And are the ailments the same for everyone or do they vary according to the severity of the disease from which one suffered? And how long do they last? If we begin to have some scientific data that helps us to interpret the trend of the symptoms that patients who have been hospitalized suffer from after some time, almost nothing is known of what happens to those who managed Covid at home. Just as there are still many open questions to look for answers. But above all what is completely missing the pulse of what it was patients’ perception of disease and care, of the social and even family impact that the pandemic has had. Because of this Health Courier, with the non-profit association Peripato, has launched a survey to investigate these aspects among its readers.

The questionnaire

The online survey was promoted through time.news and the social media of the Corriere della Sera in June 2021. Access was possible from the time.news website and from the Peripato website (www.peripato.org) through links and QR codes, which were also advertised through the Health Courier. Participation was spontaneous and without incentives. They replied over 5,000 people, of these 3,125 have been sick with Covid and they answered questions related to the disease, its course, recovery. Our thanks go to all of them. From a statistical comparison with the data of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS), it emerged that the sample evaluated reflects the population of the sick for the main characteristics. The territorial distribution of the sample concentrated above all in the northwest, as well as the disease has mainly involved the regions of this geographical area of ​​the country. There were no particular gender prevalences. The Iss reports a median age of about 60 years in the first two months of the epidemic which passes to 49 years in November 2020. The data collected by our survey faithfully reflect the temporal dynamics with a median age of 54 years in the first wave which drops to 50 in the second and 49 in the third . The analysis of the responses was conducted taking into account the period of three waves: spring 2020, autumn 2020, spring 2021.

You can continue reading the article on the Health Courier on newsstands for free on Thursday 14 October or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera.

October 14, 2021 (change October 14, 2021 | 12:59 pm)

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