Hebrew News – B12 – What do you really know about this important vitamin?

by time news

The symptoms caused by B12 deficiency are many and varied, therefore it is important to supply it to the body and consume the right food. Sometimes it is recommended to add a nutritional supplement to the weekly menu, in order to fill in the gaps. What is B12 and why is it so important to our body? We have compiled the complete guide for you

Most people know very little about it, some know that it is somehow related to anemia, some also know that vegetarians and vegans should take a supplement, but that is not the whole story of B12 at all. So, it is one of eight vitamins that belong to a group called ‘B complex’ and all of them play an important role in converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins into glucose.

This vitamin is especially important for the nervous system, for energy production in cells and DNA synthesis, because of this, when it is deficient, megaloblastic anemia may occur. It also works in cooperation with vitamin B9 – to produce red blood cells and to help iron work better in the body. These two vitamins together are important for immune function and mood and both can lead to anemia when deficient.

What symptoms can appear following a deficiency?


Shortness of breath



Drowsiness and circumcision with fingers

and more

In more serious situations, nerve damage may also occur. A lack of the vitamin will even lead to an increase in the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, which will cause damage to the endothelial cells, arteriosclerosis and thrombosis.

Studies show that vitamin B12 deficiency is common, even subclinically, mainly because it comes from limited sources – only from animals and also because its absorption is problematic.

Who is usually at risk for deficiency?

Children and the elderly – who often consume a very limited diet.

Vegetarians and vegans – since the source of the vitamin is from animals in principle.

People with absorption difficulties such as Crohn’s patients, people taking antibiotics for a long time, pancreatic patients, bariatric surgery patients, people taking medications chronically as well as HIV patients.

It is recommended to take a supplement when in liquid form the absorption is the best, the surface area of ​​the liquid is large and has a more efficient absorption capacity, so that you get maximum exposure and absorption. If you do not purchase the liquid vitamin, it is advisable to purchase a lozenge, which is placed under the tongue – it must be allowed to dissolve and literally create a small puddle there and not be swallowed straight away or quickly.

What type of vitamin is recommended to purchase?

Basically there are 4 derivatives, 2 of which can be purchased: ‘Cyanocobalamin’ (Cyanocobalamin) and – ‘Methylcobalamin’ (Methylcobalamin), which is B12 attached to cyanide or a methyl group.

The methyl is the active derivative and he preferred it because it is necessary and desirable for the body for additional processes, this is in contrast to the cyanide which the body is required to break down and excrete. Methyl is one of the active forms of a vitamin, without it having to undergo any further change and this is the recommended form for purchase. Also, it is better for smokers to take methylcobalamin in any case due to the difficulties with digestion.

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