Tzipi Pines hosts: Who came to the festive premiere at the Beit Lisin Theater?

by time news

At the ‘Beit Lisin’ theater, named after Baruch Ivcher, a premiere was held this week for the play “Apples from the desert”. The play is a new adaptation of the mythological play written by the renowned and award-winning author Savion Liebrechtand stars in it: Tiki Dayan, Lirit Belvan, Yonatan Churchi, Gal Amitai and Tamar Amit-Yosef.
The theater manager Tzipi Pines welcomed the following to the premiere: Yael Dayan, Ami and Lizika Sagi, Limor Goldstein and her husband Ron Avidan, and Sarah Sela who came with the grandchildren.

Sara Sela and Tzipi Pines (Photo: Rafi Deloya)
Limor Goldstein and Ron Avidan (Photo: Rafi Deloya)Limor Goldstein and Ron Avidan (Photo: Rafi Deloya)

Alps in Mykonos
Girls of the younger generation from the top thousand, including: Yael Nazri, Eleanor Koffler, Etty Kobo and Al Sassonspent the last week happily and dancing in the luxurious and pampering resort island of Mykonos.

Eleanor Koffler and Adi Ronan (Photo: Rafi Delvia)Eleanor Koffler and Adi Ronan (Photo: Rafi Delvia)
Yael Nazri (Photo: Instagram)Yael Nazri (Photo: Instagram)

Pibko says goodbye to Miyaki
This week the Japanese super designer passed away Issey Miyake, who founded his brand in Tokyo in the 1970s. During his life Miyaki developed a close friendship with Steve Jobs, and he is the one who designed the black golf knits that the Apple founder used to wear, and which became his iconic look. The Israeli fashion designer Aviva Pivko She shared with her friends on Facebook her memories of the Japanese designer’s visit to Israel: “I was very excited to host the fashion designer Issey Miyake in our apartment in Jaffa – and I was preparing to shower him with all the compliments for being a source of inspiration for me as a cyclist, as well as for the whole world.”

“And the words were already playing in my mouth about the sculptures of his models, about the design flair that allowed an entire generation of bikers to create their models using the new and exciting types of fabrics he developed and much more… but the great designer turned out to be shy and modest like no other and I was unable to express my appreciation for him – except by serving appetizers to the table, which he did not touch – but only the olives. And the conversation was about… his love for dogs, and the affection he showed to my two dogs.”

Aviva Pivko and Issey Miyaki (Photo: Facebook)Aviva Pivko and Issey Miyaki (Photo: Facebook)

Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo, Ron Huldai, arrived this week at the Kennedy Hotel in Tel Aviv to take a closer look at the international summer activities in his city. “Candy Hotel” is the first Instagram hotel in Israel and Huldai got into the atmosphere and had fun taking a selfie in one of the concept rooms there.

Ron Huldai (Photo: Itzik Brosh)Ron Huldai (Photo: Itzik Brosh)

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