Eight wounded in gunfire near Jerusalem’s Western Wall

by time news

BAt least eight people were injured, several seriously, in a shot near the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The shots were fired in two different places, said the Magen David Adom rescue service on Sunday night on Twitter. According to police, a Palestinian suspect was arrested after he turned himself in to police several hours after the attack. According to media reports, the shots were aimed at a bus in the old town and at a parking lot near David’s grave.

According to a paramedic, believers from the Western Wall were on their way into the city on the bus. “According to a passerby, a terrorist started shooting at the bus indiscriminately,” the paramedic was quoted as saying by the Jerusalem Post. When the emergency services reached the scene of the incident, there was a great commotion. People ran away in a panic. According to the information, one of the injured was heavily pregnant, the baby had to be taken with an emergency caesarean section and was also seriously injured.

A spokesman for the ruling Palestinian organization in the Gaza Strip, Hamas, called the attack a “natural reaction to the arrogance of the occupying soldiers and Zionist settlers and their daily crimes against our people, our country and our Islamic and Christian holy sites”. He spoke of Israel’s continued incursion into Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Temple Mount (Al-Haram al-Sharif) with the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam. But it is also sacred to Jews because there used to be two Jewish temples there. The Temple Mount is under Muslim administration while Israel is responsible for security. There is always tension between the two sides. Israel conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War. The Palestinians demand the area as part of a future state of their own.

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