The miracle of the Prover family: two brothers received a bullet in the shoulder and survived

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The attack near the Western Wall – the miracle of the Prover family: Dovi and Eleazar Prover, two brothers, residents of Tellez Stone, were injured in the attack last night (Sunday) after each of them received a bullet in the shoulder – which came from the other side, and both of them, by the grace of God, were only slightly injured.

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The brothers, the sons of the Gaon Rabbi Yehezkel Prover, an overseer at the ‘Sheikh Yitzchak’ yeshiva and the ‘Beer HaTalmud’ were injured in the shooting that took place near David’s tomb, and both of them as mentioned were only slightly injured.

One brother was taken to Shaari Tzedek Hospital and the other to Hadassah Har Ha Scopus. This morning, one of them has already been released from the hospital.

The shoulder injury (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat Square)


The hole in her tank top - from the bullet (photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat Square)

The hole in her tank top – from the bullet (photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat Square)

“We were at the entrance to the bus,” Dobi Prover tells ‘Kikar HaShabbat’, “We didn’t notice that we had been shot, I was just trying to help a woman in a wheelchair get on the bus. My brother Elazar performed a tourniquet on the seriously wounded, the medic on the way to the hospital told him that he saved his life .

“Both my brother and I got out with a miracle, it (the projectile. HC) just went in on one side and came out on the other,” he concludes, thanking God for the great miracle.

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Rabbi Yehezkel Prover, the father of the two, told the Shabbat Square that “They were on the bus, they went to the Western Wall and David’s Tomb, it was the days between times, they were traveling. On the bus they suddenly heard shouting, after a few minutes they discovered that they had been shot in the shoulder , each one. A bullet that entered from one side and exited from the other.”

“It’s a miracle they’re in an easy condition, the doctors here tell me it’s a miracle,” he concludes with satisfaction.

The brother who was released from the hospital this morning (photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat square)

The brother who was released from the hospital this morning (photo: Haim Goldberg, Shabbat square)

The police forces, the YMS and other special forces led by the Shin Bet conducted a hunt for the terrorist who fled on foot to the Silvan neighborhood near the Western Wall, and this morning he was captured after he turned himself in to the police station, and the weapon he allegedly used to carry out the shooting was seized.

District Commander Superintendent Doron Turgeman on the attack and the arrest of the terrorist (photo: police spokesmen)

At the end of the district commander’s assessment of the situation after the arrest of the terrorist who turned himself in as mentioned above, Jerusalem police chief Doron Turgeman emphasized to the commanders that alongside the investigation activity that continues even at this time, the district will continue to prepare with vigilance and readiness for terroristic scenarios and attempts to commit such acts, while Increased overt and covert police presence throughout the city to maintain public safety.

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