“Do your part for this difficult country of ours”

by time news

Time.news – Piero Angela, the famous science writer, journalist, TV presenter and essayist, died last night in his home in Rome. He was 93 years old. His son Alberto made the announcement on social media: “Have a good trip dad”.

On August 16 in Rome the funeral will be held in the Campidoglio, with a secular ceremony.

“Dear friends, I’m sorry not to be with you anymore after 70 years together. But nature also has its own rhythms”. These are her last words in a posthumous message published by Rai and addressed to her faithful audience.

They have been very stimulating years for me that have led me to learn about the world and human nature. Mostly I was lucky enough to meet people who helped me achieve what every man would like to discover. Thanks to science and a method that allows us to face problems in a rational but at the same time human way. Despite a long illness I managed to complete all my programs and projects (even a small satisfaction: a jazz record on the piano). But also, sixteen episodes dedicated to schools on environmental and energy problems “.

And again: “It was an extraordinary adventure, lived intensely and made possible thanks to the collaboration of a large group of authors, collaborators, technicians and scientists. In turn, I tried to tell what I learned. Dear all, I think I am. having done my part. Try to do yours too for this difficult country of ours. A big hug”.

Greetings from Sergio Mattarella and Mario Draghi

The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella paid tribute to Piero Angela with a message in which he expressed his condolences to the family, recalling the importance of the role played by the science communicator for the cultural growth of the country

I feel great pain for the death of Piero Angela, a refined intellectual, journalist and writer who has marked the history of television in Italy in an unforgettable way, bringing ever wider audiences closer to the world of culture and science, promoting its diffusion in an authoritative way. and engaging. I express my deepest condolences and my closeness to his family, underlining the disappearance of a great Italian to whom the Republic is grateful “

The pre-chairman of the Council, Mario Draghi, also wanted to entrust his thoughts and gratitude to a note

Italy is deeply grateful to Piero Angela. He was a master of scientific dissemination, able to enter the homes of generations of Italians with intelligence, courtesy, sympathy. His broadcasts and his essays have made science and the scientific method clear and accessible to all. His civil commitment against pseudoscience has been a fundamental defense for the common good, has made Italy a better country. Piero Angela was a great Italian, capable of uniting the country like few others. To his loved ones, the condolences of the Government and my personal “

The reactions

  • The President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico

Piero Angela was a formidable popularizer, able with seriousness and passion to tell science in all its meanings. Entering with grace and wisdom into the homes of Italians, he has brought entire generations closer to culture by transmitting the pleasure of knowledge and doing real public service. We’ll miss him'”.

  • The President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati

Italy owes a lot to Piero Angela, journalist, beloved TV presenter and true teacher of life for entire generations. He has spread knowledge and stimulated curiosity among young people and adults, forming better citizens, aware of the extraordinary secrets of nature and science. My closeness to his family ”

  • The Pd secretary, Enrico Lettahe interrupted the work of the dem direction for a minute of meditation and an applause in memory of Piero Angela, having learned the news of his disappearance.

An immense sadness. And an infinite gratitude for all that Piero Angela has given us and represented. A great Italian. An unbridgeable void “

  • The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza

Italian journalism, the dissemination of science and medicine, the tenacious commitment against disinformation lose a great teacher. Farewell to Piero Angela “

  • Nicola Fratoianni, national secretary of the Italian Left
  • The Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini

A great popularizer, a man of science and culture who, taking advantage of the possibilities of the public television service, has allowed entire generations of Italians to approach science and understand its secrets. A great Italian, an elegant and rigorous man capable of transmitting the pleasure of discovery and knowledge. I cling to the pain of my son Alberto and of the whole family on this sad day “

  • The Minister of Ecological Transition, Roberto Cingolani.

The disappearance of Piero Angela is an immense loss. For everyone he was an example of depth, professionalism, humanity and competence, managing to bring science and scientific dissemination into our society and into everyone’s homes. It is essential to commit ourselves so that his example continues to enlighten the new generations “

  • The memory of the Federscacchi who recalled how Piero Angela was a great fan of the game

Piero Angela was a great chess enthusiast, to whom he had dedicated several episodes of his programs, Quark and Superquark. He was also a “testimonial” of the 2006 Chess Olympics, which took place in his Turin, playing the symbolic “first move” of the competition. The FSI offers its condolences to the family, on behalf of all members and all fans “

  • The former prime minister, Romano Prodi.

Piero Angela has been able to fascinate and bring entire generations closer to history, science and art. Today we lose a man of great culture who has been able to really reach everyone thanks to his extraordinary and unique communication skills. My thoughts go out to his family and to all those who have been friends with him ”

  • The leader of FI, Silvio Berlusconi

I learn with deep sorrow the news of the disappearance of Piero Angela. He was a cultured and kind gentleman, he represented a style and a way of doing television that I have always appreciated. His professionalism and his courtesy will be lacking in the world of television news. I am close to the pain of his son Alberto and his family “

  • The president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni

“Deep pain and sincere emotion for the loss of one of the most famous science communicators that Italy has ever had. Rest in peace, Piero Angela”.

  • The president of the Lombardy region, Attilio Fontana

“What a great disappointment! Piero Angela has left us. A unique professional. A popularizer capable of explaining science and the phenomena that depend on it to all generations, in a simple and at the same time punctual way. with great affection. From my part and from the Lombardy Region, the most heartfelt condolences to your family and loved ones. Rest in peace “

  • The president of the Lazio region, Nicola Zingaretti

A very sad day for all Italians. A giant has gone: Piero Angela. For decades he has entered our homes, helping us to know and understand. An unmistakable style, which made history simple and fascinating, as well as science and knowledge of the world. We had collaborated with him in the beautiful and brilliant project of the Roman Domus of Palazzo Valentini, seat of the Province of Rome, and, even in his life, he always struck for his incredible mix of culture and simplicity ”

  • The president of the 5-star Movement, Giuseppe Conte

“An important figure in Italian culture is leaving with Piero Angela. A voice and professionalism that for decades have told the mystery of our universe with wisdom, passion and dedication”

  • The vice president of the National Academy of the Lincei and Nobel Prize in Physics 2021, Giorgio Parisi

“Italy and Italian science owe a lot to Piero Angela: with his tireless commitment in these seventy years he has managed to exploit his skills of empathy and intelligent communicator to arouse enthusiastic interest in many Italians and in particular in young people, many of whom have become scientists of an exceptional level. She was a very willing person to fight for all the causes she considered important: I remember her fundamental support for the ‘Save the Research’ campaign. “

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