“Heart disease” must pay attention to health checks Knowing the risks, avoiding illnesses and treating them in time : PPTVHD36

by time news

Heart disease is a disease with a wide range of illnesses. This is caused by pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels. thus making a variety of diseases And when there is a malfunction in any part of the heart, it will cause that kind of heart disease, such as coronary artery, heart valves, myocardium. or sending electrical signals in the heart, etc.

The pathology that causes abnormalities in the heart and blood vessels can be caused by a number of reasons, such as fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, causing the coronary artery to narrow. Abscess in the heart valve cause infection in the bloodstream, etc.

“Death Lai Disease” from a malfunctioning heart The dangers that come with sleep

Poor quality sleep, “enlarged heart” risk, life-threatening if you do not hurry to check

The most common risk factors for heart disease are smoking, high blood lipids and genetics, etc.

common heart disease

1. Coronary artery disease

Patients often have chest pain, flushing, fainting, and fainting due to a combination of conditions such as genetics, smoking, atheroma, age, and other congenital diseases. If the patient is found to have such symptoms This is an emergency that requires immediate medical attention. to prevent death

The treatment process is

  • blood clotting medication
  • Balloon angioplasty and stenting
  • coronary artery bypass surgery

We can reduce the risk and prevent cardiovascular disease. Like eating, you should avoid foods that are high in fat, not sweet, salty, and should control your weight within the normal range. keep exercising And if there is a congenital disease, the disease must be controlled to be in good condition. to prevent heart complications

super nourishing food “Cardiovascular” when to eat, then healthy.

2. Acute heart failure

Patients will have pronounced symptoms of disease, namely tired easily, swollen legs, lie down and become more tired. The symptoms of the disease are predominantly triggered by health problems such as poorly controlled high blood pressure, anemia, hypothyroidism, arrhythmias. Doctors need to find these abnormalities and treat them immediately. This is the most direct treatment for heart attack.

10 myths about heart disease that need to be re-understood.

3. Cardiac arrhythmia

It is a condition in which the heart beats without a natural rhythm. causing a short circuit in the heart Affects the efficiency of pumping blood to various organs. increased risk of heart failure or clogged blood vessels The most noticeable warning signs of the disease are palpitations, fainting, flushing, and possibly death.

Because there are many types of arrhythmias. There are many reasons that are provoking factors. Therefore, it is necessary to be diagnosed with a clear differentiation of the disease. before planning the treatment on the spot Which the treatment may be done by taking medicine or electrocuting, etc.

4 methods of screening for heart health and function

1.EKG (Electrocardiography), an electrocardiogram.

This is to check the function of the heart’s electrical current. With the principle of capturing the positive and negative electrodes by pasting the electric wave signal conductors according to the standard position of the probe help find abnormalities arrhythmia enlarged heart muscle This test can be examined at any age.

8 wrong lifestyle habits that risk getting “heart disease” in the elderly

2.ECHO (Echocardiogram) to check the function of the heart by using ultrasound

Able to examine the structure of the heart for abnormalities, such as contraction and relaxation of the heart Characteristics of the chambers of the heart thickening of the walls of the heart Leaky or narrowing of the heart valves pressure in the heart It also helps in the diagnosis in patients with many types of heart disease.

3.EST (Exercise Stress Test) to check heart function during exercise

Helps to assess myocardial ischemia from coronary arteries or arrhythmias that occur during exercise Assess your ability to exercise. Screening for the elderly is not recommended. and have knee health problems

Old people should do 11 things to strengthen the “heart” for long-lasting strength.

4.Holter Monitoring record ECG 24 hours.

The inspection must wear a measuring device which is in the shape of a small box. Stay connected to the cable that is attached to the electrode plate at all times. to record an ECG over a period of 24 hours or more Helpful in diagnosing arrhythmias The heart stops beating for a while.

“Heart” is strong and happy. With a mode of eating. – Avoid fat.

“Symptoms and disorders involving the heart and blood vessels need to be differentiated. and other complications that may be associated with them before making a precise treatment plan.”

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital Kaset

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