Shaomi introduced a humanoid robot capable of recognizing and responding to emotions

by time news

Xiaomi has unveiled CyberOne, a humanoid robot capable of walking on two feet, albeit clumsily and quite slowly judging by the video that the company itself published.

According to Shaomi, CyberOne is also able to detect human emotions, either by recognizing the tone of voice spoken to it or the hand and body movements of people around it. “The robot is able to comfort you in moments of sadness,” the company promises. CyberOne is 177 centimeters tall and weighs about 52 kilograms. He is able to lift a modest weight of 1.5 kilograms with each of his hands.

As for the question of what exactly the robot is supposed to be used for, it is quite clear that at this stage it is a technological demonstration whose main purpose is to showcase Xiaomi’s impressive engineering and manufacturing capabilities. He excels more in his ability to map the area where he is in a three-dimensional and detailed manner and thus navigate it while avoiding objects that may endanger him. CyberOne, therefore, is not expected to become a real product in itself, although the company claims that technologies developed for it will make their way to other Xiaomi products in the future.

Another company developing a humanoid robot is, of course, Tesla, which designates its robot, named Tesla Bot, to perform “boring” or dangerous jobs for humans. While at least on a statement level Tesla’s robot seems to have more obvious commercial applications, all the company has been able to show so far are people dressed as the future robot. A fuller announcement and presentation of a prototype model is expected next month.

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