Covid Virgin listens to the analysis of US doctors It’s been 3 years, why some people have never been infected with COVID-19

by time news

Most likely, someone who didn’t know they were infected. by studying data on antibodies Anti-COVID antibodies (immunosuppressants) that are potent against COVID support this theory because more people were found to have anti-COVID antibodies compared to the number of reported COVID-19 cases.

The situation of the COVID-19 outbreak is now entering its third year, which has infected hundreds of millions of people around the world. And most importantly, when there is a strain of Omicron covids It makes the infection multiply more and more.

however An interesting point is that some groups of people were found to have never been infected with COVID-19 before. ( has tried to find an international analysis of why these people have not been infected. And this group may be at risk of new species or not. The details are as follows.

At this point, almost everyone knows someone who has been infected with COVID-19. is completed Data from the Institute for Health Indicators and Evaluation reported that as of July, Americans had at least one case of coronavirus. accounted for 82 percent

However, a small percentage of the population is found to have never been infected with coronavirus. Also known as the Covid Virgin group, this group can be distinguished from those who have implemented social distancing measures. self-isolate at home to those who refused to wear masks on the plane or groups of people attending parties and weddings but never got sick

What we know for sure about COVID is that the virus is constantly evolving. And new species are still emerging regularly, such as the subspecies of Omicron BA.5 that have become the main outbreak species. It has been proven that this strain is more contagious. And it has the ability to withstand vaccines higher than previous strains of covid.

This, of course, leads to an important question: “The group of people who are still surviving from coronavirus Those who do not benefit from the increase in immunity from coronavirus infection Could it become a group that is more susceptible to other covid strains with more mutations?”

Here’s a more in-depth look at why this group of people didn’t get the coronavirus and whether they’d be more likely to get coronavirus when a later mutated strain emerges.

@Why are some people still surviving from being infected with COVID-19?

There are quite a number of explanations for why some people may be able to avoid contracting COVID-19, one of the most widely discussed theories is that this group may actually Have or had a virus in it? But they didn’t know it before.

The rationale behind this theory is that research shows that approximately 40 percent of COVID-19 infections. It was found to be an infection that shows no symptoms. Infections in children and young people are also found to be particularly prone to being overlooked. The data was not imported into the system. This is because studies have shown that these people appear to be asymptomatic when infected.

and patients with very mild symptoms They might think it’s just a common cold or just a bad day.

If you have a stuffy nose. fatigue and the symptoms disappeared quickly. Getting tested for infection is not something that needs to be taken into account much.

Most likely, someone who didn’t know they were infected. by studying data on antibodies Anti-COVID antibodies (immunosuppressants) that are potent against COVID support this theory because more people were found to have anti-COVID antibodies compared to the number of reported COVID-19 cases.Scott Roberts, MD, infectious disease specialist and deputy medical director of infection prevention at Yale Medicine, said.

Another explanation for cases where some people are not infected is that This group of people were not so lucky. Only they tried to wear masks while in the shade all the time, avoiding large gatherings. and try to update vaccinations regularly

Dr. Robert added on this issue that when these people meet with friends and family. They urged others to come in for check-ups before meeting.

UC University San Diego studies a cohort of people who have never been infected with coronavirus (according to CBS Sandiego).

What role does gene play?

Another factor is genes, which may play a role in preventing contracting coronavirus, Dr. Roberts said, adding that some people in the HIV group were found to have what’s known as the “disease of the virus.” And this group of people has a yew that prevents the virus from spreading and infecting other cells. which although this information has not yet been confirmed But the scientists didn’t rule out the possibility that this could happen to COVID either.

“It’s possible that someone might have a gene or something that causes the immune system to respond and work in different ways. Maybe they don’t have the receptors that are essential for the virus to enter cells,” Dr. Roberts speculated.

The National Institutes of Health is currently supporting studies of the role of genetics in the risk of COVID-19. in the population Although researchers haven’t yet found a specific stand that makes each person immune to coronavirus. But it is beginning to show that a person’s genes can be reversed with the direction of infection.

However, not all scientists support this theory. because there is still a lack of evidence

“There is no reason to believe that this can actually happen. So far we don’t have either report. no discovery And no studies have shown that anyone has ever had an innate immunity. I’ve never had an infection before,” said Andrew Handel, MD, a pediatric infectious disease physician at Stony Brook Medicine.

Studies on genes and coronavirus prevention (Referring to the video from NBC)

@ Those who haven’t thought of covids as a group that is at risk for new species. How much?

“Currently, the level of protection against COVID varies from person to person. The people with the highest level of protection against COVID were those who were both vaccinated and infected. followed by those who had been vaccinated but had not been infected before. This was followed by a group that had been infected but refused to be vaccinated. And the last group at the bottom of the strength of immunity are those who have never been infected or never vaccinated,” Dr Roberts said.

But there is still no guarantee that people who have never been infected with COVID. Those who lack immunity from natural infections tend to become severely ill when infected with the new strain of coronavirus, and at this point there are many questions that scientists have yet to answer.

Research has shown that naturally derived antibodies can provide immunity to previously vaccinated strains of COVID-19 in a group of people who have been vaccinated. However, among those who have not been vaccinated It has been found that naturally derived antibodies do not provide broad-spectrum immunity to strains other than Omicron.

Other studies have shown that Omicron coronavirus recoverers It was found to have the potential to prevent up to 76 percent of omicron subspecies BA.4 and BA.5.

“There is also the question of the type of immunity an individual may have from infection. Because the covid virus has mutated quite a lot. So the antibodies can be avoided,” Dr. Roberts said, adding that natural infections can provide more immunity than vaccination in terms of other non-antibody defenses, such as cellular responses. T, etc. And of course, the body’s natural immune response may be different from the immune response that comes from vaccines.

Still, experts warn that this doesn’t mean we should have to infect ourselves. or trying to make yourself sick Because there is still a long-term risk issue of covid or try covid. Even if the infection is not serious In the United States, up to one in five people with coronavirus is found to have COVID-19. And there is no clear guarantee that infection with the current strain of coronavirus will protect against future strains of COVID-19.

@What will follow after this?

Scientists say the coronavirus could become truly endemic by 2024, meaning it will continue to circulate. However, this is not a good idea if surveillance is reduced, or if the intention of contracting COVID is to achieve mass immunity.

It will be the same form that we will treat the common cold. which caused the death 40,000-60,000 cases per year. Our society is able to accept and decide to live with the flu. But in the hospital we saw people, including young people, die of colds. So it’s a dangerous idea to think that the virus will continue to exist. So we have to try to get infected as well.said Dr. Robert.

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