Hours before departure for Hilula: a charter flight to Alma Ata was unexpectedly cancelled

by time news

Drama in New York: A charter flight that was supposed to take off today (Monday) from New York to Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan with about 200 Chassidim, in preparation for the Hila Day of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson ztzel, the father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, B. Menachem Av, was unexpectedly canceled.

Hours before the scheduled departure time, the flight organizer announced in a short message sent to the ticket buyers that due to an “unforeseen technical situation” the flight was cancelled.

Passengers were not given a detailed reason for the surprise cancellation, but were told that they would get their money back.

“Due to a technical and unexpected situation that is beyond our control, we have no choice but to inform everyone that the flight is cancelled,” the organizers’ message to passengers reads. “We worked tirelessly, and with great effort, in order to make the trip possible. Now we are working on an alternative plan, and soon we will update if we can actually implement it.”

At the end of the announcement, the organizers apologize for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation announcement, at such short notice. “The Holy One, blessed be He, rules the world. We have no idea why this happened. What we can say is that we are broken, speechless. All the funds paid will be returned.”

Some of the passengers came to New York from other countries to join the charter flight.

According to a report on the Chabad-COL website, a parallel charter flight scheduled to take off from Florida will depart at 10:00 p.m. (New York time), at the time designated in advance, without changes.

The Chabad house in Alma Ata informed that there are still 75 seats available on the flight departing from Miami.

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