Dog infected with monkeypox from the owner of the world’s first case Abdominal blisters and anal ulcers

by time news

Be careful! Smallpox infects dogs The first in the world. Symptoms are blisters on the stomach and anal ulcers. If a person gets infected from a dog will be more difficult to control the epidemic

Yesterday, 13 Aug. 65 Dr. Chalermchai Boonyaleephan (Dr. Chalermchai) The vice-president of the Senate Public Health Commission has posted the most shocking news. about the subject monkey pox By posting through their own website called. Hundred and eight thousand nine with Dr. Chalermchai This is the first big case in the world. because the dog has contracted the disease monkey pox from the owner, which, if a person can be caught from a dog big deal

Photo credit: Hundred Eight Thousand Nine with Dr. Chalermchai

Smallpox from a dog owner

Can’t escape!! stick dogmonkey poxThen reported the world’s first case in France. by the owner

Monkey pox is a disease found in monkeys and rodents in Africa. Before the epidemic spread to people 60 years ago, the disease is endemic to Africa. until many years ago There are outbreaks in the United States and Europe. But it’s a small number. And all of them have a history of traveling to Africa or touching people who have traveled to Africa.

This year (2022), the outbreak began to enter Europe. and spread to the United States Until now, monkeypox has been found in more than 85 countries, more than 30,000 cases. Until on July 23, 2022, the World Health Organization declared smallpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

  • They concluded that monkeypox can be transmitted through direct contact with the virus in the blisters or pustules of the skin. Touching body fluids or touching large droplets that come out of the respiratory tract. sexual contact section is in the process of further study But it has been reported to be detected in semen. who have not concluded that it was caused by direct sex Most of them are caused by direct contact with wounds or blisters on the genitals and around the anus.

There has never been an official confirmation report that The dog is infected with monkeypox from humans, the Lancet, a world-renowned medical journal. The edition of August 10, 2022 reported the first case of monkey pox in dogs. by being infected by the human being who owns

On June 10, 2022, two men, MSM, were admitted to a hospital in Paris. France

  • The first patient was a 44-year-old male of Latin descent. and are HIV positive.
  • The second patient was a 21-year-old male, white, and HIV negative.

Both of them came with a wound on their anus. After having sex with someone else by the first infected anus ulcer followed by blisters of clear pus-filled water on the face, ears and legs. In addition to having ulcers in the anus as well There were also blisters on the legs and back. After 4 days, fever, headache. Diagnosed by rt-PCR test. Both were positive using samples from the skin and neck area.

Greyhound dog sitting in couch with owner
photo credit: freepik
  • On the 12th day after symptoms appeared, the first patient’s 4-year-old Greyhound was The blisters on the abdomen and anal lesions were also present. The rt-PCR test was positive and on DNA test it was found to be of the same type as the owner. which matched both 19.5 kilo bass (19,500 bass)
  • close relationship is Owner and dog sleeping together and having to be careful with their own dogs Do not let it come into contact with other people or pets.

Therefore, it is the first case in the world. that confirms that Dogs infected with monkeypox passed from humans. causing it to be followed up on Dogs infected with monkeypox Will it be able to infect humans again? because if possible It will be more difficult to control monkeypox in humans. because it is difficult to control alone between humans If it can still be infected from a pet It will be more difficult to control.

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