The swimmers of Rehovot and the Leaf Club got a memento from their homes: Shelly Bobritsky, Noy Gezla and Shani Shraizin finished in fifth place in the combo exercise at the European Championships

by time news

The new team of managers and managers of Rehovot.

The first day of school this year will also be the first day for 8 new principals in the city’s schools – in primary and secondary education.

The municipal education system is constantly being renewed, and in recent weeks, new principals were elected to fill management positions in a variety of schools in the city, in primary and secondary education.

Zohar Kashi- Principal of the school “Shadmah”

Education: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education and human resources and a master’s degree in education systems management.


Grew up in the Scouts youth movement and in the military service commanded as a cadet cadet and a cadet in the commanders course. Today, an active reservist. She began her career in teaching through the “Hotum” program, a program designed to reduce social gaps. Works extensively in educational activities in the ‘Beer Tovia’ regional council. For the past six years she was an educator at the “Eli Cohen” school. Zohar sees great importance in formal and informal frameworks and thinks that with the right balance and cooperation, significant processes can be carried out.


Zohar engages in education out of mission and faith in man. “Thanks to faith in a person” – strong faith in people, in their abilities and in their goodness. In her opinion, educators have great significance and a substantial influence on the adult life of the child. Zohar sees her role as an educator as her life’s mission in order to give children tools for their adult lives and for them to grow up to be better citizens and people!

Lilac Sa’ar – Director of Flowers of Science

Education: Has a bachelor’s degree in education and teaching from Achava College and a master’s degree in education management from the Or Yehuda Academic Center.

Experience: 24 years working in the education system, during which she performed many positions: professional math and science teacher, class teacher, class coordinator, math coordinator and math instructor

Hobbies: likes to read, watch movies, sports, cook and bake.

Vision: Lilach’s “Educational Believing Self” is built on three beacons: the first – a personal relationship and dialogue within which each student is given a tailored response, the second – relevant and skill-based learning for life and the third – developing excellence and strengthening the students’ perception of self-efficacy.

Panina Weinstein – Headmistress of Ramon School

Education: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in history and special education, a teaching certificate and a master’s degree in management and leadership in education from Tel Aviv University.

Has a certificate of organizational consultant in educational systems and graduated from the “Tops” course for managers on behalf of the Avni Rasha Institute.

Experience: She has 27 years of teaching experience that includes a wide variety of positions: classroom teacher, teacher and coordinator, math instructor, deputy principal and for the past seven years she served as a school principal in the city of Ashdod.

I believe in education:

Seeing the student with a holistic view, cultivating personal strengths and abilities of each community member. Promoting excellence and entrepreneurial thinking. Cooperation between all members of the community is a central tool for cultivating a sense of belonging, involvement and mutual guarantee.

Danit Peretz – method manager – elementary

Education: Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in behavioral sciences.

Experience: following a meeting with the open school, she decided to do an academic conversion to experimental open education. She has 16 years of experience in education and teaching, most of them at the “Hishita” Open School in various and varied positions: a yard teacher, a class teacher, a coordinator and a member of the management team.

Vision: I believe that the most significant force in education is love. A meaningful education is based on full faith in children, on the ability to look at them with good eyes and love them exactly as they are. “What does a child need? A place where he can be tall and an adult to help him with the ceiling” (Idit Barak)

Eilat Vared Yosef – director of the Wicho School of Technology

Education: Industrial and management engineer, with a bachelor’s degree in social and community education and a master’s degree in gender and women’s studies.

Experience: For 25 years she worked at Ort Ramat Yosef in Bat Yam. In this framework, she managed and performed various roles in the school including: teacher, educator, class coordinator, course coordinator, social engagement coordinator, social education coordinator, system coordinator. About four years ago, she began to manage the technological school “Atid Hadad” in Rehovot.


She began her educational path by choice and a great love for the field of education. Eilat is accompanied by the sense of mission to influence the education system, today’s generation, the educational staff as partners in action and to create an impact.

For her, the role of the school is to be a place that accepts, contains, motivates, does practical work for each and every one so that they have knowledge, acquire skills, and have a sense of ability and faith to do and succeed. It is important for her to maintain the personal relationship, the mutual trust every day, and for the students to know that the educational team is really here for them, and not just in terms of slogans. Its purpose is to lead the team as partners with the same educational concept with goals and ways of working to be implemented for the sake of the students.

Elihai Dadi – Principal of Amit Hamer High School

Education: Graduated from the Hesder yeshiva “Orot Ya’akov in Rehovot”, holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education from the “Orot Israel” college, a graduate of the Avni Rosha management course.


He started his professional career at the Hamer Amit School as a professional teacher and educator about ten years ago. Over the years, he has held significant positions, including subject coordinator, pedagogical coordinator, deputy director, head of HTAV and more.

Vision: Elihai is a big believer in the good in every person, and in everyone’s desire to develop, progress and grow according to their heart and desires. Our goal as educators is to enable every person in the learning educational community – student and teacher – to express themselves through their talents and abilities.

Daniel Zozot – director of the Amit Hamer HTAB

Education: Graduated with a bachelor’s and master’s degree in education at Orot Israel College.

Experience: has been working in the field of education for about 11 years and started his career in the field of informal education

Formally as a guide for ultra-Orthodox youth who drop out of the city. After that, he moved to work at the Kiryat HaHachanun Amit Hamar. As part of his work, he worked in many positions that helped develop a person and as an educator. Among his positions, he served as an educator, social coordinator, pedagogical coordinator,

Head of the exemplary track, high school coordinator and vice principal and more.

Vision: Daniel sees the education of all the children of Israel together, while giving a personal and adapted answer to each student, maximizing his personal ability and seeing him in a holistic view.

Chen Klein – Atid Hash High School

Education: Studied at Wingate Academic College – B.Ed, Physical Education and Teaching Certificate. Master’s degree in educational administration.

Experience: He began his educational work at Branko Weiss High School (Etgari) in Or Yehuda, as a member of the school’s management team, responsible for the school’s conduct and the concentration of the educators’ work. In the last three years, he managed and educated a class at Vitzo Rehovot High School. All of this in recognition of the importance of action and as part of the impact on the students’ lifestyle and imparting social and other skills alongside pedagogical skills.

Vision: Chen believes in a social concept, according to which every student should be given an equal opportunity by me

Experiences of success, improvement in the sense of personal ability, reducing educational and social gaps and leading to excellence. Chen’s perception is that we as educators can help our students grow into responsible, independent graduates who contribute to society.

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