What is the difference between the two devices?

by time news

Tuesday, August 16, more than three million families were able to benefit from a first payment of the back-to-school allowance (ARS), whose revaluation of 4% was decided at the beginning of the month within the framework of the bill on the purchasing power. But a second part of this legislative package, also voted by Parliament, also introduced an “exceptional back-to-school bonus”, the operation and beneficiaries of which are different.

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Who will benefit from these grants?

  • Back-to-school allowance

Created in 1974, this allowance helps families meet the cost of going back to school. Subject to means testing, all families fulfilling the conditions for the right to stay in France and in a regular situation, with several children attending school and aged 6 to 18, can benefit from it.

To be entitled to it, the resources of the household must not exceed a ceiling ranging from 25,370 euros of maximum resources in 2020 for a dependent child, to 42,935 euros for four children.

In total, the ARS is paid to more than three million families, or nearly five million children.

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  • The exceptional back-to-school bonus

While the ARS only concerns parents of students, the exceptional bonus is aimed at all the most modest French people. It concerns beneficiaries of social minima such as the active solidarity income (RSA), the allowance for disabled adults (AAH), the specific allowance for the elderly (ASPA) or personalized housing assistance (APL) as well as scholarship students.

At the beginning of August, the senators had wanted to replace this exceptional bonus, intended for recipients of social minima, by an increase in the activity bonus, which only concerns low-income workers. Finally, faced with the outcry caused on the left by the measure, a compromise was found in early August in Parliament, and people who receive the activity bonus will also benefit.

In total, 10.8 million households will be affected by this bonus.

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What is the amount of this aid?

  • Back-to-school allowance

It depends on the age of the children. Revalued by 4% this summer, it will be 392.05 euros for a child aged 6 to 10 (elementary school age), 413.69 euros for a child aged 11 to 14 (college level) and 428 .02 euros for a child aged 15 to 18 (high school).

Most recipients do not have to do anything. Only those whose children under the age of 6 are already enrolled in CP or whose children between the ages of 16 and 18 are in school must send documents to the Family Allowance Fund (CAF). Eligible parents who are not registered with CAF must complete a file to declare their situation.

  • The exceptional back-to-school bonus

It is 100 euros per household, to which are added 50 euros per dependent child. A couple with two children will receive 200 euros.

This premium will be paid automatically by the CAF, the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), the pension fund or the Crous. For beneficiaries of the activity bonus above the minimum, an additional payment will take place at the start of the school year. The Ministry of the Economy assured West France that a decree concerning their specific case will set the exact amount of aid they will receive.

When are they paid?

  • Back-to-school allowance

Each year, the ARS is paid at the end of August in one installment. This year, it was paid from August 2 to the inhabitants of Mayotte and Reunion, then on August 16 in mainland France, the Antilles and Guyana.

But this year, due to the revaluation acted at the last moment with the adoption of the bill on purchasing power at the end of July, the additional 4% will be paid automatically at the beginning of September. For a 13-year-old child, this corresponds to 397.78 euros on August 16, then 15.91 euros later.

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Beneficiaries whose children are aged 6 to 15 on 31 December following the start of the school year do not have to take any steps. Only recipients whose children aged 16 to 18 are in school (or whose children under 6 are enrolled in CP) must send documents to the CAF.

Parents who are not registered with CAF but who are eligible must complete a file to declare their situation.

  • The exceptional back-to-school bonus

No precise date has yet been communicated on the payment of this bonus, but the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, undertook on August 4 on RTL to pay it. ” during September “. As its name suggests, this is exceptional and will therefore only be paid this year.

It is therefore quite possible to combine the two devices.

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