Smallpox of monkeys, the first case of human-to-dog infection in the world –

by time news
from Silvia Turin

The animal, an Italian greyhound, showed the classic symptoms 12 days after the owners. He had slept in their bed and the strain test identified identical sequences of the virus. The authors: “It is necessary to think about the hypothesis of isolating animals”

In Paris it has been studied and documented the first case of human-to-dog transmission of monkeypox.

The passing of the virus to the dog

He writes an article published on August 10 in the scientific journal “The Lancet” which examined the disease of a dog belonging to owners who had exhibited symptoms of monkeypox 12 days earlier. It is a 4-year-old male Italian greyhound with no previous medical ailments: he presented the typical injuries disease, including abdominal pustules and a subtle anal ulceration. At the PRC test the sequence of the virus of the dog and one of the owners of the animal was found identical and belonging to the lineage that has spread, in this case, in France since 4 August 2022, infecting more than 1,700 people. The owners reported having slept together with their dog. The authors of the article hypothesize a true “canine disease”, developed from the contagion, not a simple transport of the virus by close contact with humans and add: “Our results should stimulate the debate on the need for isolate pets from monkeypox virus positive individuals. As far as we know, the kinetics of symptom onset in both patients and, subsequently, their dog suggests human-to-dog transmission of the monkeypox virus. ‘

How it is transmitted

So far in endemic countries, only wild animals (rodents and primates) have been found to carry the virus. In the US, the transmission of monkeypox virus in prairie dogs has been described and in Europe in captive primates in contact with imported infected animals.
On July 23, 2022, monkeypox was declared a public health emergency of international concern by the director general of the World Health Organization.
The dominant modality of the monkeypox infection (we talked about it extensively who
) is prolonged contact with infected people with skin lesions. Most infections occur during sexual intercourse between men, particularly those who have multiple sexual partners.

In the USA 7 children infected

In the US yesterday the seventh child infected: the nation is the one with the most cases detected in the world: about 12,800 and is facing the cases most at risk with the distribution of the vaccine (442,000 doses have already been shipped this week).
In Italy, in the meantime, confirmed cases have risen to 662 of monkeypox (bulletin of August 16), 18 more than the last survey of August 12. In the national series, women remain stable at 10, compared with 652 men. The infections linked to travel abroad are 185 and the median age of the patients is 37 years (for a range that goes from 18 to 71 years). A vaccination policy according to the criteria is also active in our country who described.

August 17, 2022 (change August 17, 2022 | 12:49)

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