The south of BCS is considered a safe municipality

by time news

Oscar Leggs Castro, municipal president of Los Cabos, announced that the authorities at their three levels of government work to maintain public order and with this ensure the safety of residents and tourists; it is necessary to shield Los Cabos from any high-impact situation.

Statements released on the complaint of the businessmen of La Paz, regarding the charges for flats that have been recorded recently and that have lit red lights, for which members of the private initiative ask for attention.

The mayor of Los Cabos, Oscar Leggs, said that local authorities hold security meetings on a regular basis, in the search for how to shield the municipality and act in case of a situation similar to La Paz and Comondú; Fortunately, Los Cabos has not had that problem.

“There is no other than the complaint, so report it either formally or anonymously but do it, it is the only way to act as authorities and channel the corresponding area so that the case can be followed up.”

On the subject of extortion, he said that yes there have been casesbecause there are several reports of telephone extortion, he said that if he presented himself it is best to hang up and not lend yourself to the fact.

Likewise, he affirmed that Los Cabos It is an important national and international destination, Therefore, Public Security authorities are prepared for any high-impact situation.

“Hopefully it will not happen, but coordination between us is important and that it has been taking place in the best possible way, all the forces of the State, Federation and Municipality are working in coordination and so far no problem has arisen, we hope for this stay the same”.

Likewise, the mayor added that the corresponding instances are coordinated so that there is order, so they have strategies to proceed preventively and reactively if necessary.

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