Looking for a job? This is the number of vacancies in Israel

by time news

The Central Bureau of Statistics publishes today (18.8) new data revealing the number of vacancies in Israel in June-July 2022. The survey initiated by the Central Bureau of Statistics included businesses with 5 or more jobs for employees and showed a slight decrease in the number of vacancies (about 148,113 vacancies compared to about 149,868 per month June).

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The survey also shows that the vacancy rate stabilizes at a level lower than 5.0, while starting in May there is a decrease in this rate (4.85 in July). In addition, the rate of vacancies in the information and communication sector (which consists mostly of high-tech services) has consistently decreased as of February 2022. This decrease is due to both an increase in employment in this sector and a moderate decrease in the number of vacancies.

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According to the survey, the number of most requested jobs in the months of May-July 2022 was in the construction and renovation industry, and the smallest number of jobs was in the field of software development, followed by engineering.

As a reminder, according to the “Labor Market Pulse” report published yesterday (7/17), the number of job seekers in July increased by 6.6% compared to June. According to the employment service, the main reason for the increase in the number of job seekers in July is seasonal layoffs in the summer months.

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