What to watch tonight: Netflix puts you in the mind of a cat. meow

by time news

The Internet, as we know, was invented in 1983 with the creation of the TCP/IP protocol, with the aim of allowing humans to share pictures and videos of cats with the whole world. Along the way, digital photography, digital video, YouTube and the smartphone also had to be invented, but what can’t be done for cats. After almost 40 years of technological evolution, Netflix’s algorithms have also realized that the Internet is for cats, and today they are sending you “Inside the Minds of Cats”, a documentary that tries to do exactly that and understand what goes on inside the heads of these howling furries.

“Inside the Minds of Cats” presents for an easy hour a narrative brought from the mouths of physiologists, scientists and various cat experts according to which it is indeed a miraculous animal that deserves our worship, as if we needed a Netflix docu to know that, including a host of unobtrusive demonstrations and experiments starring cute cats. Because all cats are cute. The film tries to ask some of the really interesting questions about cats such as “do they know their names” and “are they crazy”, and above all of course the question “do they love us”, as if it is not clear that they love us and would eat us for dinner if only for their size would allow it.

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It’s doubtful that cat lovers will learn anything really new here, the internet is full of docu-films about cats that we’ve already seen, but Andy Mitchell’s film (one of the most experienced and respected nature filmmakers in the world) is cute and intelligent fun just like the cats themselves and definitely makes it very clear why cats behave the way they do behave and what makes them tick and purr. At times, “Inside the Minds of Cats” feels a bit too compressed and overloaded relative to everything he’s trying to say, and it’s a shame they didn’t make him a slightly more in-depth series with several episodes, but on the other hand, we were into him from the first “meow” to the last. That’s what the internet is for.

>> Inside the Mind of a Cat, now on Netflix

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