“Stomach cancer”, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors : PPTVHD36

by time news

Abdominal pain, abdominal distension, colic, indigestion. “Gastroenteritis” who took gastritis pills and then cured. because of these symptoms can also tell about the risks of “Stomach cancer” as well.

In addition, stomach cancer A disease that lurks in silence. Because there are often no symptoms shown in the early stages. than to be detected as stomach cancer Cancer cells may have spread and become difficult to treat.

stomach ulcer Abdominal pain from H. PYLORI infection

Know about gastric cancer

Stomach cancer is caused by abnormal division of cells lining the stomach. cause damage to the digestive system Can spread to other organs such as intestines, liver, pancreas, lymph nodes, etc.

Recommend various ways to take care of yourself, far away from “gastritis”

stomach ache like this “Gastroenteritis” or “Stomach Cancer”?

in the early stages of stomach cancer Patients will experience abdominal discomfort, indigestion, bloating, and burning in the chest. or abdominal distension under the tongue which the symptoms are similar to gastroenteritis Patients therefore often take pills to treat gastritis.. and the pain in the stomach will gradually subside, but when the medication cannot cure the symptoms. Or it works only temporarily and later does not work. It may be assumed that the patient is at risk for stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors

stomach cancer Not only stomachache…but also other symptoms.

Not only gastritis pills can’t cure the pain of a patient’s stomach. But when the disease is more severe, other symptoms may follow, such as vomiting blood. bloody stool unexplained weight loss have anemia and may feel a lump above the navel or under the left rib cage

“Eat spicy” every time it hurts your stomach immediately. What are the chances of this symptom?

Important factors for the risk of gastric cancer

  • age : are over 40 years of age, especially those in the 60-80 age range
  • ethnicity : The disease is more common in Asians than Europeans and Americans.
  • sex : Males are 2-3 times more likely to develop stomach cancer than females.
  • Genetic : A family member has a history of stomach cancer.
  • Ill history : have a history of peptic ulcer disease from infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) or gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Life behavior : Smoking, drinking alcohol, eating salty food, eating fermented food does not like to eat fruits and vegetables
Stomach cancer, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors

Stomach cancer risk factors based on their 5 behaviors

1. Drink alcohol, smoke a lot.

Although ethanol is not a carcinogen. But when entering the body’s metabolism, it can be converted into carcinogens. Consequently, alcohol consumption is one of the major factors that increase the risk of many cancers, or even people who smoke heavily. Toxins in cigarettes can also cause inflammation or peptic ulcers. This increases the risk of stomach cancer as well.

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2. I like to eat grilled meat..processed meat.

grilling often increase the chance of birth “Stomach cancer” to be higher. The study found that grilled foods or food that has been heated in direct contact with food Including nitrates-nitrites, which are used as preservatives in processed meats such as sausages, hams, and bacon, can increase the risk of organ cancer. that is not just the stomach But you can still be at risk of cancer of the liver, kidneys, colon or pancreas.

Stomach cancer, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors

3. I don’t like to eat vegetables and fruits.

At the academic conference of the Nutrition Society of Thailand, there were talks about “Vegetables and fruits and cancer prevention,” especially green or yellow fruits and vegetables. Likewise, a study from the National Cancer Institute found that many Thai vegetables have properties to reduce the risk of cancer.

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4. Eat salty – high sodium

According to a study by Korean and Japanese researchers found that the consumption of salty food or salt-containing foods, such as fermented foods, are all associated with a higher risk of stomach cancer. as well as education in Iranians. It was found that the consumption of roasted, salted or heat-treated seeds It is one factor that increases the chance of stomach cancer as well.

5. Obese, overweight

According to research studies, people who weigh more than the benchmark. There is an increased risk of cancer. This is because high fat levels are associated with cancer. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. It has been found that obesity can increase the risk of developing 11 types of cancer, most of which are gastrointestinal cancers.

“Stomachache” symptoms, do not leave it. Hurry up to check and check. Some diseases may require surgery.

Stomach cancer, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors

How to treat stomach cancer

  • first stage often do not show pronounced symptoms but is often detected by health screening from gastric endoscopy (Gastroscopy) and can be operated while endoscopy of the stomach for immediate treatment. To prevent spreading to nearby organs, increasing the chance of healing high.
  • invasive period Treatment is required based on the symptoms of cancer, such as chemotherapy. or doing chemo (Chemotherapy) radiation (radiotherapy) before surgery to treat, respectively, the doctor will plan to choose the appropriate treatment. According to the diagnosis results and the degree of severity which varies from person to person.

Abdominal pain “appendicitis” noticed before the risk of “breaking”

Stomach cancer, a silent disease, recommends avoiding 5 risky behaviors

Prevention and health care

  • manage stress appropriately
  • Eat nutritious food from all 5 food groups.
  • Avoid processed and processed foods.
  • avoiding alcoholic beverages
  • get enough sleep
  • Keep an eye out for even the slightest physical abnormalities such as abdominal pain, flatulence, indigestion.
  • when symptoms occur should see a doctor for a diagnosis

annual health check Help us screen for serious diseases that may occur without symptoms. It also helps to plan health care. And treat if sick immediately, increasing the chance of healing high.

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital

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