“Mosquito”, a small, powerful One bite is not just an itch. But at risk of many diseases : PPTVHD36

by time news

Mosquitoes are small insects and have a short life cycle. But it can bring many kinds of diseases to people from just one bite, some of which are fatal.

by every day on August 20 of every year is defined as “World Mosquito Day” It was first established in 1897 to commemorate Sir Ronald Ross, a British military doctor. She, who worked in India, discovered that “female mosquitoes” can carry malaria from person to person. and to recognize the causes of the disease, how to prevent it, and to raise funds for research.

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In addition to the serious malaria There are other diseases The mosquito-borne diseases found in Thailand are:

  • dengue virus infection or dengue
  • Chikungunya Fever or Aedes arthritis
  • encephalitis
  • Zika virus infection or Zika fever
  • elephantiasis

Beware of malaria “Nousai” strain, transmitted from monkeys to humans

Symptoms of mosquito-borne disease

1. Malaria

There is an “Anopheles mosquito” as a vector. People who are most at risk of the disease tend to live near the edge of forests and in naturally swampy areas.

Stage of illness with malaria

  • The first stage is chills, chills, fast pulse, spasticity, frequent urination, and the temperature gradually rises. This stage takes 15-60 minutes. It is the hemolysis period with malaria.
  • In the heat phase, the patient will have fever up to 40°, hot body, hot breath, red face, pale mouth and thirst, fast and strong pulse. Headache deep in the eye socket This phase takes 1-3 hours.
  • sweating period When the fever subsides, the fever subsides, the patient sweats and returns to normal. The sweating period lasts 2-4 hours.


  • Take medicines strictly as prescribed by your doctor. for the disease to be cured and to prevent drug resistance
  • You should not buy medicines and take your own medicines to prevent drug resistance.
  • Intravenous drugs may be needed to treat malaria. Patients must cooperate for curing and not causing drug resistance as well

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is more dangerous than ever.

2. Dengue fever

Dengue virus disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes is a disease-carrying insect, with a total of 4 species, namely DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4. each area Therefore, there is a chance of recurrence of dengue hemorrhagic fever. from each germ

Dengue symptoms: Patients with dengue infection Most of them have high fever, headache, muscle pain. Bone pain and red spots on the skin If treated properly and in time Patients will recover in a short time. In the case of mild symptoms As the fever subsides, symptoms improve. In most cases, the fever subsides rapidly.

3. Chikungunya disease

have symptoms similar to dengue and dengue fever But they differ because there is no leakage of plasma out of the veins. The incubation period is generally 1-12 days.

Symptoms of the disease : The patient will have a sudden high fever. a red rash on the body And may have itching along with red eyes, but rarely found bleeding spots in the whites of the eyes, joint pain, which may be arthritis.

Treatment : There is currently no specific treatment for chikungunya. Most are symptomatic and supportive treatment, such as antipyretics, joint pain, and rest.

preventive vaccine Dengue fever can be injected at any age to reduce the risk of severe illness.

4. Encephalitis

caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the brain It is a disease that is transmitted between animals. with mosquitoes as vectors When bitten by a mosquito, the germs in the animal’s blood will reproduce in the mosquito. When a mosquito bites someone, it infects the person who is bitten. Some people may have no symptoms or symptoms of disease. But some people can get sick with encephalitis.

symptom : Moderately high fever, severe headache and dizziness. frequent nausea and vomiting Later, there will be high fever all the time. Even taking antipyretic pills still doesn’t work. and have symptoms of drowsiness until you do not feel may have stiffness or convulsive or paralyzed limbs with

Treatment : There is currently no cure. Can only treat the symptoms is to reduce swelling of the brain. Respiratory care give medication to suppress seizures Controlling brain pressure and blood pressure

5. Zika virus

Zika virus is a virus belonging to the flavivirus family, similar to yellow fever virus, dengue virus, and is also transmitted by mosquitoes.

symptom : Flu-like symptoms include fever, rash, joint pain and red eyes. Some people may have a headache. Patients with severe symptoms may require hospitalization. The mortality rate is still low.

Treatment : Most are symptomatic care. There is no antiviral drug or vaccine yet. Because in that country the disease is similar to dengue and influenza. Therefore, it is important to caution because it may be difficult to differentiate the disease early, namely the discontinuation of NSAIDs for painkillers and fever reducers because they interfere with platelet function and risk easy bleeding.

6. Elephant filariasis

Diseases caused by filaria roundworms It resembles a thread that lives in the lymphatic system. with mosquitoes as vectors

symptom : People with symptoms are more likely to suffer from repeated bites by mosquitoes infected with elephantiasis. early symptoms The patient may have a fever This is caused by inflammation of the glands and lymph ducts in the armpits, groin, or testicles, because older worms in the lymph ducts irritate the internal tissues. including the release of toxic substances The inflammation will come and go like this and will encourage swelling. If it lasts for many years, it will cause permanent swelling and thickening of the skin to a rough appearance.

Treatment : Treatment for filariasis focuses on preventing the infection from spreading to others by taking anthelmintic drugs to minimize the number of parasites. until the patient is unable to spread the infection further

How to prevent mosquito bites

  • Vaccination against dengue fever, yellow fever, JE encephalitis, etc.
  • Wear clothing to cover the body completely.
  • Sleep with mosquito nets, especially when camping in the forest.
  • Apply or dot mosquito repellent.
  • Residential houses should be destroyed in flooded areas that are breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • If you are going to live in a malaria area, consult your doctor as a precaution.

Thank you health information from Bangkok Hospital, Phyathai 2 Hospital, Tropical Medicine Hospital Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University

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