I began to judge the judiciary: insights from the visit to the United States

by time news

Self-acceptance is a mental state in which a person decides to accept himself as he is, and refuses to oppose or fight with himself. This does not necessarily mean that he is satisfied with himself and does not want to change certain things in his character, behavior or appearance, but he accepts the existing. Appreciates himself and is not prone to self-hatred.

That person does not deny reality, he is aware of himself and his weak sides and lives with them in peace. Obviously, this reduces the chance to act for change. In studies done at the University of Hertfordshire in order to find out what makes a person happy, self-acceptance was found to be in the first place. It was strange and surprising to find out within the same study that most of the subjects claimed that they themselves did not accept themselves completely.

The manner of self-acceptance stood out to me especially recently, during a visit to the United States. I wandered the streets of Manhattan and looked at the people crowding the sidewalks. At first it occurred to me that a large part of the local population is not aware of itself, but I quickly realized that the problem is with me. They accept themselves as they are and don’t care what others think, and they certainly don’t care what I think.

If until my trip I thought that I am not a judgmental person and I accept each person as they are, I realized that I was wrong in at least one thing – and this insight enlightened my eyes. People in Manhattan dress in ways that I found strange, some in revealing clothes that leave almost nothing to the viewer’s imagination. People who are morbidly overweight (morbidly obese) walk around with bare stomachs and short pants, and they don’t care what others think. Their main thing is comfortable and pleasant.

I admit that at first I was shocked by the sight, but as soon as I realized that the shock was mine and not theirs, I stopped judging them and started judging my own judgment and realizing who is wrong here.

I guess I returned to Israel less judgmental, at least regarding the issue of self-acceptance. Each person will live as he sees fit, as he likes and is comfortable for him. As long as he does not harm others and does not harm his surroundings – let him be perfumed. I have become a little less judgmental about my thoughts and reactions to the way people dress and behave.
I earned

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