The James Webb Space Telescope takes the largest picture of the universe| picture

by time news

The James Webb Space Telescope takes the largest picture of the universe| picture

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has obtained the largest image of the universe to date.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has made headlines since it began its science operations in July, as the space agency released the first batch of images taken by the space telescope’s next-generation instruments.

Now, an international team of 105 scientists from 19 from 28 institutions around the world has used the instruments of telescopes to gather a vast amount of data about the universe, and the Cosmic Evolution Early Launch Sciences Study (CEERS) released the image today.

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A webcam near-infrared (NIRCam), near-infrared spectrometer (NIRSpec), and a medium-infrared instrument (MIRI) were used to collect the data, which were then converted into images and then stitched together to form a stunning mosaic. .

Among the countless galaxies captured in the images, researchers have sharpened six specific galaxies, including a blue spiral galaxy, some elliptical galaxies, a galaxy called Pac-Man for its similar shape, and very old galaxies – dating back about 9 billion years.

Macy’s Galaxy.

And one of the galaxies captured in the image is one of the most distant galaxies found by humans. The galaxy is called the “Maisi” galaxy in honor of the daughter of project leader Stephen Finkelstein, and according to the results of the study, if the galaxy’s redshift greater than 11.8 is confirmed, with future observations, This means that Webb observed a galaxy because it was only 400 million years after the Big Bang.

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