Eye diseases, health threats near Thai people with the deterioration that must be prepared to deal with | Thaiger Thai News

by time news

know eye disease Silent danger near Thai people that affects vision, causing problems in everyday life There are many factors. along with recommending treatment methods from a medical professional

today eye disease is an eye problem that is more likely to be found in Thailand, such as macular degeneration in the elderly (Age-related Macular Degeneration: AMD) which found up to 18,700 patients per year

diseaseDiabetic Macular Edema (DME) Which found patients up to 536,700 people per year. This is caused by stepping into an aged society completely.

Since the year 2021 cause problemseye healthof the growing population, it is inevitable that the deterioration of the eyesThe way of life of the working-age population that may be less active

Loves sweet food and beverages. causing high blood sugar levels to cause diabetes

eye problemsAs such, it may affect vision and daily life. Therefore, understanding the risk factors, be careful.early warning signs and regular visits to an ophthalmologist for eye exams therefore it is necessary

Dr. Thanaphong Somkitrungroj, MD. Ophthalmologist in Retina and Iritis Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society and Chairman of the Cataract and Refractive Surgery Club of Thailand

shared information about eye diseases Latest treatment guidelines Including tips on how to take care of just one pair of eyes to have good vision quality and stay with us as long as possible.

Symptoms and effects of the diseaseBoth macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy (DME) are diseases caused by abnormal blood vessels in the retina. and make vision worse

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is caused by abnormalities in the blood vessels beneath the retina.

There are two types of macular degeneration: dry (Dry AMD) and wet (Wet AMD or nAMD). The wet type is more common in people aged 55 years and over.

diabetic retinopathy (Diabetic Macular Edema or DME) is caused by high blood sugar levels. causing the blood vessels in the retina to be abnormal resulting in swelling of the retina It is found at any age and is also the number one cause of vision loss in people with diabetes.

What are the risk factors for eye disease?

Risk factors for macular degeneration in the elderly There are both unavoidable factors: increasing age and factors that can be adjusted, such as quitting smoking

Risk factors for diabetic retinopathy include duration of diabetes, high blood sugar levels, high blood pressure, and obesity.or gestational diabetes, etc.

Medical evolution for more effective eye treatment outcomes

About 10 years ago The main treatment guidelines for retinal diseases This includes age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, namely the use of lasers. Such methods often cannot improve vision much.

The use of lasers has been shown to help slow the progression of the disease. However, later on, when advancements in medical technology have enabled new treatment approaches, the results can be greatly improved.

In particular, the drug is injected into the vitreous. The drugs, called anti-VEGF drugs, have a mechanism of action to reduce the proliferation of retinal blood vessels. As a result, the patient’s vision quality can be improved.

However, effective vision improved. Patients need to be injected into the vitreous, with the frequency of each injection being different. Some patients have to receive injections.frequent medication every 1-2 months

causing effects on both patients and caregivers especially those whose distances from homes and hospitals are very far apart. or in different provinces As a result, patients with poor vision need to rely on the assistance of their caregivers who may need to take time off from work.

Dr. Thanapong Explains: “Innovative treatment for macular degeneration in the elderly and diabetic retinopathy with injectable drugs has been developed.

recently New drug with mechanism of action approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a dual pathway inhibitor (inhibits both VEGF and ANG 2, which play an important role in disease pathogenesis).

In addition to reducing the proliferation of blood vessels. It also helps to reduce the leakage of blood vessels. reduce inflammation of blood vessels and make the blood vessels that supply the retina to be stronger From the point of view of an ophthalmologist

This mechanism of action can be considered a major therapeutic change. coupled with the ability to work longer than the original drug

thus reducing the frequency of injections. Based on clinical research results, It was found that 80% of the patients who volunteered in the study received injections every 12 weeks (every 3 months).

The other 60% received injections every 16 weeks (every four months), suggesting that this innovative treatment could improve patient care.”

As for safety and side effects Based on clinical trials in more than 2,300 patients and approximately 70,000 patients who experience real-world drug exposure in the United States.7

Since the drug is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA)

No difference in side effects was found between the new innovative drug and the same injectable drug that had been in the past in the past in any way. this new but there are not many Because the drug has just been approved in the country. Patients who can use this innovative drug

There were both diagnosed patients who had not received any medication before. and in patients unresponsive to the original drug or patients who want to reduce the frequency of injections

This is a new hope for patients in these retinal diseases.” Dr. Thanapong provide more information

cases of diabetic retinopathy If the patient is treated with new innovations along with controlling blood sugar levels Symptoms tend to improve within 3-5 years, and there is a high chance that patients will be able to stop taking the medication.

For patients with macular degeneration in the elderly Although the likelihood of discontinuation of the drug was less than in patients with diabetic retinopathy. But drugs that can reduce the frequency of injections. It helps to make the quality of life of patients much better.

In the future, it is believed that there will be continuous innovations and new technologies in the treatment of this disease, such as longer-acting drugs, drugs with a different mechanism of action than existing drugs, surgery to insert tools that help. in drug release This can reduce the injection to only 1-2 times a year,

Using treatment planning technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) to see which patients will respond to which drugs All of which result in a better quality of life for patients.

What are the symptoms of eye disease?

Eye disease, know how to prevent it in a timely manner

Dr. Thanapong said, “Both diseases are caused by abnormalities in the blood vessels in the retina. This is likely to happen suddenly and may only occur in one eye. Some patients may not feel pain or pain in the eye area.

If observed from the outside, it may not be possible to notice abnormalities in the eyes. Therefore, eye disease is considered a silent threat. Because most patients understand that blurry vision is a result of a change in eye or eyeglass settings.”

For people with risk factors for macular degeneration in the elderly and diabetic retinopathy Behavior and disease control should be adjusted as well.

Avoid eye rubbing or eye massage, refrain from smoking, maintain a healthy weight, control blood sugar levels.

How to assess eye disorders by yourself?

“Anyone can easily screen for visual impairments on their own by simply closing their eyes one at a time. Then look at the edge of the door or window frame.

If you see distorted lines or blurry spots Should consult an ophthalmologist immediately if over 45 years of age.

You should have regular eye exams with an ophthalmologist at least once a year so that you can access treatment in a timely manner. and reduce vision loss Because clear vision is crucial to quality of life.” Dr. Thanapong Conclude

Dr. Thanaphong Somkitrungroj, MD. Ophthalmologist in Retina and Iritis Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society and chairman of the Cataract and Refractive Surgery Club of Thailand.

Source: Press release.

eye disease symptoms treatment

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