A specialist identifies effective ways to reduce children’s use of smart devices

by time news

A consultant in the field of family medicine has identified effective ways to reduce children’s addiction to smart devices, stressing the need to reduce their sitting on these devices.

diversification of activities

Dr. Ola Babli, a family medicine consultant, confirmed in an interview with Al-Youm program on the “Al-Ikhbariya” channel that diversifying the child’s activities contributes to protecting him from addiction to tablets.

Determine the time

And Babli added, that limiting the time allowed to sit on the phone is one of the effective ways to reduce addiction to smart devices, as the period of use of the phone for an adult should not exceed two hours, and for a child an hour and a half, while it is completely forbidden for children to sit on these devices from birth until at least the age of 1 year and 3 months.

Duration of use

And the family medicine consultant indicated that a child from the age of one year and 3 months to two years is better not to leave these devices to him, and if it is necessary to use them for only minutes in the presence of one of the parents, and after the age of two years, he uses them for less than an hour, and after 5 years until 10 years It can be up to an hour, and then a maximum of two hours at most, even for adults.

The doctor also noted that there are no studies or scientific research indicating that the frequent use of tablets for children causes autism.

Read more: Reasons why kids are addicted to smartphones

poor mental health

It is noteworthy that one of the research in this field indicated that such behavior is linked to poor mental health, as one out of every four children and adolescents suffers from problems using smartphones.

Dysfunctional relationship with phones

The results indicated that more than 23% of young people had a dysfunctional relationship with their smartphones, which made experts link this behavior to poor mental health, although the research does not confirm whether phone use leads to such problems.

psychological problems

People who had problems using smartphones were more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, fatigue and lack of sleep, as well as poor educational attainment, with the risk of developing three times higher.

public awareness

The study revealed that smartphone addiction has a detrimental effect on mental health, and the study authors said: There is a need to educate the public about the prevalence of problematic smartphone use and mental health.

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