Boredom or a bestseller? The ravioli that caused a rift between Eyal Shani and the judges of Master Chef

by time news

The Quarrel Ravioli: Keshet 12’s food reality show, “Master Chef”, returned to the screen two months ago for a new and tenth season, in which the chef participates Haim Cohen, Michal Anskythe chef second stagand the chef Israel Aharoniwhich she joined Ruthie Brodo. Last week, the program finally entered the team stage, but it seems that the judges haven’t calmed down yet.

The ravioli that caused a rift between Eyal Shani and the “Master Chef” judges (Photo: Network 13)

In a glimpse of TMI surfers ravioli prepared by the contestant Eden Yam, caused a rift at the judges’ table. “Through you, I understand once again what I understand every time, that ravioli is a story inside it. Here is a cheese cream that repeats itself and repeats itself and another spoonful of cheese covered with ravioli, and another spoonful of cheese covered with ravioli. I find this a very high level of boredom,” he said second stag

Aharoni disagreed with Shani and disagreed about things: “Not true! This is an aromatic, delicious, full, deep cheese mixture. It has nothing of what you describe.” Shani replied: “Yes, but why eat so much of it? Why do I eat such repetition?”. Aharoni: “The best ravioli in the world, every bite is the same.”

Brodu joined the debate and said: “He’s trying to say that if she mixed artichokes… what would you do? What would you do with the cheese?”. At this point Ansky decided to interrupt the quarrel and shouted: “I don’t like it when father and mother fight”, and everyone laughs.

Shani concluded: “Even if every ravioli repeats, every ravioli has correct proportionality, here the proportionality does not exist.” And Brodo answered him: “As one who feeds many customers, is this a dish that would have become a bestseller?”

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