Pere –

by time news

NoonAug 21, 2022 – 10:43 am

the singular of foot. On the swinging fishing boat you have to “tene ‘pere”: to have a foot, or to keep your balance

from eri de luca

Not the plural of pear, but the singular of foot: ‘o pere. In Ischia a vine is called Per’e palummo, pigeon foot. I drank it on Mount Epomeo, in the inn dug into the tuff of the top, which was a castle of monks. In one of its dark cavities, the rows of bottles carried on the back of a mule lay on the ground along the walls. The host, Luigi, sent me to choose the bottle. By candlelight I extracted the aged ones from underneath.

Per ‘e palummo was dark red, solitary, that is, not mixed with other grapes. The first sip stopped in the mouth, resisting being swallowed. Then he found his way and the bottle emptied quickly along with the plate of very al dente bucatini.

Ischia where I learned to have a foot. On the fishing boat ruled by Nicola I saw the adults standing upright swinging their bodies to compensate for the ups and downs of the bow with the sea against the wind. I also learned the balancing game. It meant: keep ‘pears, have a foot. In rough seas it was a rodeo.

At the stadium when the Napoli player made a big mistake in the shot or the pass, the comment of the fans justified it: “Puveriello, tene ‘o pere stuorto”.

21 August 2022 | 10:43

© Time.News

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