“A dream called Florida”, between Disney motels and parks – time.news

by time news
from Maurizio Porro

On Sky Cinema the film by Sean Baker that tells unforgettable faces and moments, while the American dream is consummated

You have the opportunity to recover an exceptionally beautiful and exceptionally unnoticed film, “A dream called Florida”, with boys as protagonists but above all the schizophrenic scenography of an America divided between the melancholy of the motels and the Disney parks. The director of this intimate and social little great film is Sean Baker, of which the public had already overlooked «Tangerine», Which has in common with this only the final shot with the iPhone, while the rest is in 35 mm. There is a 6-year-old girl, Moonee, who lives with her mother in a motel in Florida, the Magic Castle near Orlando, plays and jokes with her little friends in a context where only Bobby, the manager, keeps them safe. eye (Willem Dafoe, only known name in the cast, Oscar nominated).

It is a continuous exchange of friends, of quarrelsome families in transit towards the feast of the fairy world, less fairy is the mother who lost her job at the strip club, like a detached piece of Altman and Carver’s America and is industrious as she can, smoking and eating what she can. The kids, let loose “wild”, combine it all, while the need for money pushes mommy to thefts and paid meetings, a sum of disappointments that never equal. And when the social workers arrive, all that remains is to escape, mother and daughter, to the enchanted castle of Disney World.

American realism, with few discounts for the happy ending, but also a film worked in detail, both in the insolence of children a little like Truffaut and in the broken dreams of adults for which there is no insurance to compensate. Director, screenwriter, producer, Baker shoots the film at the height of children, victims and protagonists, in a competition of special truth and spontaneity. A mosaic of unforgettable faces and moments, as the American dream is consumed and extinguished in the face of such a violent and pornographic world.

August 21, 2022 (change August 21, 2022 | 20:53)

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