Fuel prices: diesel rises again, unleaded stabilizes

by time news

The ebb in fuel prices continues for the SP 95-E10, which inevitably delights vacationers as well as motorists returning to work. But that of diesel, on the other hand, is on the rise again.

The weekly average price thermometer published by the Ministry of Ecological Transition released its figures on Monday: the liter of diesel was displayed at 1.84 euros on average last week (+ 5 cents compared to the previous week), that of a liter of SP95-E10 at 1.73 euros (-0.5 cents). A dynamic started on Monday June 20 and which has been going on for two months now for gasoline.

The fall in prices at the pump of SP 95-E10, the most sold gasoline in France, has its origin in another downward dynamic: that of the barrel of oil. The price of a barrel of Brent was displayed on Tuesday around 95 dollars – almost as much in euros at the current price of the two currencies – that is to say far from the peaks of March, when it approached 120 dollars. Same causes, same effects: the global decline in black gold consumption in recent weeks can be explained primarily by concerns about a contraction in economic activity, in the United States and Europe in particular. The Covid 19 epidemic in China is also part of this phenomenon.

“The 1.50 euro bar is on the horizon”

The drop in the SP 95-E10 continues at a time when motorists benefit from the 18 cents per liter fuel discount introduced on April 1. It will be maintained until August 31 and will increase to 30 euro cents in September and October. Finally, it will drop to 10 cents per liter from November to December. “Excluding unforeseen events — and the news has been full of unforeseen events in recent years — the bar of 1.50 euros per liter (pfor SP 95-E10) is on the horizon,” said an industry expert. A real novelty at the pump, since such prices have not been reached since the end of last year.

But diesel fuel has resumed its upward trend. The price difference with SP 95-E10 now exceeds 10 euro cents per litre. An abnormality ? Historically, yes… But not in view of the past year. The reason why diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline is to be found in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

“France is buying less and less Russian hydrocarbons, deciphers the spokesperson for an oil giant. Diesel is one of the refined products that Paris now obtains from other exporters, in North America or the Middle East, but by paying more for them. This necessarily has an impact at the end of the chain, that is to say at the pump. “The 23 million owners of diesels who run on diesel will make a face…

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