vladimir putin body double, ‘Are you watching Putin?’ What is a ‘body double’? – what is body double ukraine intelligence chief claims vladimir putin ears are not him

by time news
Russia, which has launched a war on Ukraine, has been attacking for more than 150 days. The number of Ukrainians who have migrated abroad as refugees due to the war is approaching one million. Despite the United States, England, and European countries condemning Russia and imposing economic sanctions, the country’s president, Vladimir Putin, refuses to budge. Russia has imposed retaliatory sanctions on countries that have imposed economic sanctions on them. Meanwhile, there are controversial reports about Russian President Putin. The key is the Putin we see now, not Putin himself; His body double (another person who looks like one).

Unofficial information about Putin and his health emerging as a major challenge to US imperialism is nothing new. However, the revelation of Putin’s body double by the head of Ukraine’s intelligence service, Major General Kyrillo Budanov, has come as a shock. In a recent interview with the media, he said, “Putin’s health is seriously affected. Therefore, they use Putin’s body double at public events. His height has varied in his recent appearances. Putin’s ear looks different if you compare old and recent photos. Ears are like fingerprints. Each person’s ear is unique.” He has said that.

Ukrainian intelligence had raised a similar suspicion when Russian President Putin visited Iran last month. Ukrainian intelligence had raised suspicions by noting that Putin walked unusually fast when he got off the plane.

What is a body double?

A body double is a term used to refer to another person who looks like one person. It’s like dope is used instead of actors in fight scenes in cinema. A lookalike will be used instead of the real person at the public event. Often, world politicians are said to engage in such activities for their own security.
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Body doubles usually help confuse opponents. The people chosen for this are like real people. They are trained to speak and act like the person they are impersonating. Similarly, another Rajini is trained like the original Billa Rajini in the movie Billa. Plastic surgery can change the appearance. Doping the world’s politicians is not an easy task. They should hide their identity by all means.

Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin is said to have used body doubles, as did Russian President Vladimir Putin. Flipping through the pages of Russia’s secret history, there are many stories about Joseph Stalin’s body double. Joseph Stalin, famous for his stage speeches, was afraid of being assassinated by the capitalists. It is said that Rashid was selected by Russian intelligence and used as a body double for Joseph Stalin. Another person named Felix Tadeev was also Joseph Stalin’s body double. There are also reports that he is not well known.

Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein reportedly used three men as his body doubles. It is also believed that his elder son Udai Hussein was also used as Saddam Hussein’s body double. North Korean President Kim Jong Un, Queen Elizabeth of England, Melania Trump, wife of former US President Donald Trump are also rumored to have used body doubles.

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