Quickly find out if you have an STD: the self-test

by time news

This is where the SOA self-test comes in. An STD test is something you should definitely do if you suspect you have a venereal disease. This can be through unprotected sex, but there are also other ways to contract an STD. Examples of this are:

  • Contact of your blood with infected blood from someone else, in case of hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, for example by:
    • Getting a tattoo or piercing with contaminated stuff;
    • Using a razor from someone who is infected;
    • Using needles or syringes from someone who is infected.
  • Using cups, glasses, or cutlery from someone who is infected with herpes;
  • Through clothing or towels from someone who is infested with genital warts or pubic lice;
  • Lying close to someone with pubic lice.

The above ways are not the most common, but are certainly ways of transmitting an STD. Do you think you are infected? For example because you have complaints: do a test!

The different tests

There are a number of different options when it comes to testing. The best-known three examples are: the general practitioner, the GGD and the self-test. With the first two you make an appointment and visit us. The test is then done at the GP or GGD, with a nurse or doctor. With the last form, the STD self-test, you can complete the test yourself. This is done completely anonymously. You order a self-test and receive a sampler with a return envelope. You can take the sample in a maximum of 10 minutes with the handy instructions for use. Then you send the sample back to the laboratory with the return envelope. Your test result will follow within a few days. Completely reliable, fast and secure.

Fabels over SOA’s

There are still many myths about STDs. So is how you transfer one. Above we have explained how STDs are generally transmitted, with the frontrunner being unprotected sex. In other words: sex without a condom or dental dam.

A venereal disease cannot be transmitted by coughing or sneezing, shaking someone’s hand, hugging someone with clothes on, an insect bite or in a swimming pool or sauna. Although some people will still claim that, you don’t have to worry about this. In short, avoid misunderstandings and navigate to https://soazelftester.nl/

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