Analysis of the week: Let rights voices get help

by time news

Saint Mother Teresa – If love is your weakness, then you are the greatest strength in this world.

Mary Teresa: The Vatican

In various parts of the world today, the fundamental rights of the lay people are often suppressed in the oppressive regimes of the ruling class. We read in the news that we are not the ones who are at fault, but the blood boils up in us when we are accused of crimes we did not commit…. In Sri Lanka, which has been facing severe social and economic crises for several months, at least twenty students of the University Students’ Union (LUSF) who raised slogans against the current head of state were arrested on August 19, and 16 of them have been released on bail. However, the leader of the organization, Wasantha Mudalige, and the two Buddhist monks should be detained for 90 days and interrogated, the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defense has announced. Also, the UN Human Rights Council has condemned the Sri Lankan government for using emergency law to suppress government opponents. With this purpose in Sri Lanka, since April 22 this year, the emergency law has been declared frequently and the UN said. They complained.


In Nicaragua, a large country in Central America, the country’s Catholic Church and non-governmental organizations have been subjected to severe government repression for the past few days. In this context it is good to know about the history of the country. Nicaragua is bordered by the Caribbean Sea to the northwest, the Caribbean Sea to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southeast. The country is named Nicarao after an indigenous leader who lived in what is now Lake Nicaragua in the 15th and 16th centuries. It is the only country in Latin America that was ruled by both the Spanish and British colonial powers. The capital of this country is Managua. As of 2015, it was the second largest city in Central America. The Anastasio Somoza García family, which had ruled Nicaragua since 1936, was overthrown in 1979 by the Santanista National Liberation Movement, known as the FSLN. This communalist government initiated reforms in the fields of land, economy and education. However, in the 1980s, the country was overthrown in a guerrilla war supported by the United States. The government of Daniel Ortega of the Sandinista party, which took power again in 2007, promised to resume the reforms started by his party’s predecessors. But in the attitudes of the Ortega government, authoritarianism and repression began to increase. Thus, Nicaragua is a country with a history of authoritarian rule

Talatrua in Nicaragua

Being authentic to the teachings of Jesus Christ and acting according to his values, the Catholic Church, like Jesus, is working for the welfare of the poor and the oppressed. Many members of Thiruavai do not hesitate to raise their voice in support of the people when their basic rights are denied. Following in the path of His Holiness Oscar Romero of San Salvador, another country in Central America, and other martyrs in that country, Rolando Alvarez, the 55-year-old Bishop of Matagalpa Diocese of Nicaragua, condemned the injustices of Daniel Ortega’s government to the oppressed people and publicly spoke boldly against that government. The bishop openly spoke about the activities of the Ortega government, such as human rights violations, religious repression, and abuse of power.

Nicaragua’s national police placed Father Alvarez under house arrest at the diocese since the fourth of this month in order to quell his dissent. A few monks and laity were kept with the bishop and were denied access to food and medicine. In this case, on August 19, this Friday night, the National Police broke into the Matagalpa Diocesan House and ransacked it, arrested Father Alvarez and put him back under house arrest. Father Alvarez and eight others who were under house arrest are being held in a military camp by the police.

Pope on Nicaragua

Pope Francis expressed his concern about the rising tensions in Nicaragua after his homily at noon on Sunday, August 21. The Pope expressed with great pain that the country’s leaders, priests, bishops, media, non-governmental organizations etc. are being subjected to continuous repression. Actions are being taken against them on the suspicion that they are supporting the opposition of the government. The Pope expressed his hope that through open-minded and genuine dialogue, the country will be led to live together in harmony.

In various parts of the world, many people are victims of violence against those who live according to religion and religious teachings. Many Christians have been victims of blasphemy in Pakistan. In that country, young girls of Christian and other minority religions are forcibly converted and married off. In April this year, a 13-year-old Christian girl named Zarvia Pervaiz was abducted, forcibly converted and married off, Asian News reported last week. UN The Institute observed the World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Religious Violence on August 22.

World Days are August 21,22,23

In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Articles 18, 19 and 20 provide for freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, peaceful assembly and association. But violence that expresses intolerance against individuals, religious institutions, and religious minorities on the basis of religion or belief continues to rise. In 2019, the United Nations General Assembly strongly condemned these acts of violence and announced that this day will be observed on August 22. The UN also called for an end to hate speech that incites violence against religions. They called out to the world. Also, the UN The General Assembly has declared August 21 as World Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism and August 23 as World Day of Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition. On the night of August 22nd and 23rd, 1791, a major revolt broke out in San Domingo, in the present-day Republic of Haiti, against the African slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean. This commemoration of the abolition of the slave trade was first observed, notably on August 23, 1998, in Haiti and in 1999 on the island of Gorée in Senegal.

The status of high and low should be removed and the feeling that all human beings are equal should be better in the world. The infinite dignity of every human being must be recognized and respected, and human exploitation must be abolished. Martyrs who sacrificed themselves so that nations can breathe the air of freedom should be remembered. The advice they left for future generations to build just societies should be implemented. Thus the UN Company invites all people in this world days. Let us adorn ourselves with the color of true love, the color of which the difference between the superior and the inferior will be removed and the feeling that all human beings are of equal dignity will prevail. Saint Mother Teresa said – If love is your weakness, then you are the greatest strength in the world. Lend only love. Only, it will be returned with high interest. If you don’t respect the visible man… there is no point in respecting the invisible God… Love those who love you. Love those who are angry with you even more. Reach out one hand and help instead of worshiping God with two hands. Whoever hates it. Love be you…

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