Pas-de-Calais: an unusual dinner on the Berck Ferris wheel

by time news



Article written by

France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais: O.Masure, M.Schelcher, R.Cartier

France 3

France Televisions

A gourmet meal served in a Ferris wheel, this is the promise of the chef of the Matelote Tony Lestienne. An original idea that seems to have proven itself, because it was back this summer, a year after the first experience.

For an unusual dinner, the recipe in Berck-sur-Mer (Pas-de-Calais) is simple: a Ferris wheel, experienced cooks and over-motivated waiters. Shot at the time of setting the tables. Transforming 36 cabins into a gourmet restaurant is a perilous exercise. “It’s not like a setting up like you do in the garden for a reception, it’s really intense”comments a waitress.

An astonishing idea born in the chef’s mind. “We want to bring the coast to life and show that great things are happening here and that people know about it”, enthuses Tony Lestienne, chef of La Matelote. A love of the territory that is told in the kitchen. A certain poetry settles once in the air with the view of the sea. “It’s the big smile at all cabins.” The output is as unusual as the input and some have taken the opportunity to make pretty announcements. “I made my marriage proposal”smiles a man, now engaged.

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