the price of pork soars on the markets, a few months after the rise in other meats

by time news

The product was for the moment more or less spared by the inflation which affected the whole of the bovine sector.

The food budget could well be increasingly tight. While meat prices have been rising sharply for several months, and in particular that of beef (10.2%), poultry (14.6%) and even lamb (10.5%), according to INSEE, it is pork’s turn to be affected by this general increase. Its price has increased by 7.3% in one year. Impacting in fact a good part of the charcuterie. Last Monday, the price of pork even crossed the threshold of 2 euros per kilo on the Plérin market, in the Côtes-d’Armor. While it was selling for 1.25 euros at the start of the year. With rising costs for breeders, largely linked to a drop in feed resources for animals and the drought of recent weeks, the trend, which has been going on since October, remains at a high level. Prices exceed the historical record of March 2001 – €1.86 per kilo – when the French preferred pork in the middle of a mad cow crisis.

In an interview at Agricultural France, Pascal Le Duot, director of the Breton pork market, indicates that “The current decline in the supply of pork is a significant fact on a global scale”. And to add: “This decline in production should continue in the coming months, and confirm the historically high pork price that we are observing. Because despite a sluggish export activity and low consumption due to the summer holidays, prices remain strong.” According to BFMTV, faced with this tense situation, 10 and 30% of the 10,000 pig farms could close. Last January, the Ministry of Agriculture had already launched an emergency plan of 270 million euros to support the pork industry.

SEE ALSO – Bruno Le Maire warns that we should “not wait for an improvement on the inflation front before the start of 2023”

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