NASA unveils the silent “misunderstanding” of the universe and announces the sound of the black hole of the Perseus galaxy cluster

by time news

Humans have always been committed to exploring the universe, hoping to learn more about the face of the unknown world. NASA recently released a new video that claims to dismantle popular misconceptions about the universe, saying that black holes actually have voices.

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NASA’s Exoplanets Team (Exoplanets) uploaded a 34-second video on the social platform Twitter on Sunday (21st), referring to the “misunderstanding” that everyone thinks the universe is silent, and announced the enhanced Perseus galaxy cluster (Perseus galaxy cluster) ) “sound”, allowing the public to hear the black hole.

The team explained that many people think that space is in a vacuum state and there should be no sound. But the Perseus galaxy cluster contains a lot of gas, and astronomers found that pressure waves from the inner black hole collide with the cluster’s hot gas, creating a sound effect that allowed NASA to collect enough sound.

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NASA released sound clips as early as May this year, referring to the fact that astronomers have discovered that the black hole in the Perseus galaxy cluster has sound since 2003. The team recently enhanced the audio and mixed other data to successfully “unveil” the mystery of black hole sound.

According to NASA, the audio frequency is far above the acceptable level of human hearing, even if someone can get close to the black hole and not hear the sound from the film. Immediately after the film was released, it received a lot of viewing. Many netizens said that the sound was very strange after listening, and some people joked that it was suitable for Halloween music.

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Responsible editor: Wu Hanpei

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