“The Nupes will remain all the more vulnerable as it will be reduced to an electoral alliance between political parties subject to a competitive logic”

by time news

Lhe creation of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) is a major political event from two points of view. On the one hand, it was constituted on the basis of a clear break with neoliberalism and productivism, discarding what was one of the causes of the failure of the left, in particular during the five-year term of François Hollande, whose policy has come to appear largely in the service of finance capitalism.

Admittedly, differences, some serious, exist between the different constituent political forces of the Nupes. This is normal, but a challenge in the future will be how to structure debates and decisions on these topics.

A hope that had largely disappeared

On the other hand, a decisive element, this unitary framework which aims to be sustainable has made credible, and therefore possible, a democratic, social and ecological alternative, thus recreating a hope that had largely disappeared.

Everything is far from settled, however. A significant part of the popular classes, employees and workers, victims of neoliberal policies, continue to abstain or to be attracted by the National Rally (RN) whose progress is confirmed. If there is no fatality in this situation, it is still necessary to analyze the reasons.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “We are a coalition, not an alignment”: the Nupes faced with its differences

The RN vote is certainly linked to social difficulties and a very real feeling of abandonment. However, what makes it difficult to detach voters from the RN is the fact that social issues are seen through the lens of resentment towards those on the social scale who are experienced as below them: recipients of social minima treated as “assisted” or immigrants, resentment that can turn to xenophobia and racism overdetermining powerful affects such as fear, where the passions implemented refer above all to hatred of the other.

This is not just a superficial affect that could be easily eradicated by simply putting forward more ambitious social demands than those of the RN or by fighting only against the abandonment of which they are victims, even if obviously that is paramount.

From resentment to hope

Winning over voters now won over to the far right presupposes first of all remaining firm in the fight and the argument against racism and xenophobia. Any concession on this ground can only strengthen them in their convictions and give even more credibility to the political parties that have made it their doctrine.

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