“All my alerts end up being verified” Amine Umlil

by time news

In this new debriefing with the pharmacist specialist in pharmacovigilance Amine Umlil, we evoke the last 18 months of the pandemic, the communications and alerts of the CTIAP (Territorial Center for Independent Information and Pharmaceutical Opinions) of the Cholet hospital, the Hearing of Dr. Umlil by the OPECST (Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices), as well as the recent disciplinary procedure against him.

During the interview, Dr. Umlil also talks about his motivations and the approach that allows him to keep reason when he is the subject of multiple attacks.

Remember that the role of a pharmacist is to be independent, and that this independence is guaranteed by law. Dr. Umlil has also received praise from the highest authorities (IGAS, courts, etc.) in the performance of his duties.

After a review of various publications on the CTIAP website, Dr. Umlil discusses the legal aspects that govern the role of a pharmacist such as himself – putting the patient and his safety first. It compares drug safety processes to those that can be had in the nuclear or aviation sectors, with well codified and regulated processes, in order to guarantee and ensure the safety of patients and not of manufacturers.

Dr. Umlil also returns to the various delaying maneuvers to which he has been subjected, from the deletion of his blog to attempts to control his communications, or even the interruption of the retransmission of his speech before the commission chaired by Cédric Villani. within the framework of the OPECST. Commission to which he had submitted a 90-page document, which was taken up by the OPECST in its June 2022 report. He himself had commented on this report in a long analysis on the CTIAP website on July 26, 2022.

See also: “They attack me because they are afraid” Pr Christian Perronne

At the end of July 2022, in a form of witch hunt, Dr Umlil received a letter from the director general of the CNG (Centre National de Gestion) Eve Parier, informing him of a disciplinary procedure against him. He is accused of having gone against government communication. Dr. Umlil explains in this debriefing the measures he has taken to respond to this procedure, directly highlighting the contradictions of Ms. Parier.

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