Among ecologists, refoundation at all levels

by time news

Here are the ecologists entered into one of these political contests with multiple layers and obscure maneuvers of which they have the secret. A moment of work, above all, hope executives tired of the tactical exercise. Because the relevance of the party of political ecology is at stake: now, all political competitors talk about climate and Jean-Luc Mélenchon has attracted to him, much more than the environmental candidate Yannick Jadot, the vote of young people “eco-anxious”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers With the heat waves in France, many fall into eco-anxiety and worry about the future

By the party congress, scheduled for the end of the year, the countdown has begun. An anthology of premotions, from which it is sometimes difficult to discern what distinguishes them, has begun to emerge. “Only political ecology can win the cultural battle necessary for the systemic change we need”proclaims Marine Tondelier, supported by a large part of the outgoing management, with several hundred executives, in a column published in The Sunday newspaper, August 21. Like others, like everyone even at Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV), the former campaign director of Eric Piolle calls for “refound” the party of political ecology. To broaden it, in particular, to what is left of Generation.s, former party of Benoît Hamon whose executives have already partly migrated to EELV, why not to the former macronists and the movement of Delphine Batho, Generation ecology, but especially to the youth collectives for the climate, an age group that has largely abandoned the Greens’ proposal in the presidential election.

“Being less aligned with LFI”

After a scorching summer, which plunged the French into the reality of the consequences of climate change, EELV remains confronted with this for the moment insoluble question: how to convert ecological awareness into electoral victories, win political and not only cultural battles. “There is an inconsistency between the weight of environmentalists and that of the climate issue…”, regrets the deputy Eva Sas. His motion, The Time of Ecology (LTE), should continue on a line of affirmation of ecological identity and capacity to govern. “Clarification on the project, relations with LFI [La France insoumise] and Nupes [Nouvelle Union populaire écologique et sociale], we want these elements to be at the center of the congress”specifies Régis Godec, ex-LTE bearer of a text for the “refoundation”. “We need to rebalance and be less aligned with LFI”he believes.

Press briefing by Julien Bayou, summer days of ecologists, Grenoble, August 25, 2022,

The supporters of Sandrine Rousseau, led by her former spokesperson, Mélissa Camara, carry, for their part, a text for “continue the dynamic carried since the primary” and extend the idea of ​​radicalism within the Nupes, specifies the latter. Alain Coulombel, supporter of the left wing of the party, considers, for his part, in a forum, that“after its traumatic failure in the presidential election, our political party must choose a clear strategic path”which passes, according to him, through an output of “the aspiration for normalization to once again become a party rich in its diversity, nourished by all social and climatic struggles, a party of combat and resistance”. What to compose, in the end, four or five motions, estimates a connoisseur of the party. Even if Marine Tondelier can be a favorite, everything will also depend on Sandrine Rousseau’s ability to structure and federate within the party. Not to mention the unexpected alliances, forged in the weeks to come or in extremis between the two rounds of the congress…

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