In Argentina, black dots to signal “bad” foods

by time news

More than the NutriScore, the black pellets! On Saturday August 20, 2022, Argentina brought into force a law to better inform consumers about the nutritional quality of the food they buy. The idea is simple: the “bad” products will be dressed with an imposing black dot in the shape of an octagon, directly on their packaging.

Fight obesity and change habits

In Argentina, 66% of the 45 million inhabitants are overweight, 32% are obese and 42% suffer from high blood pressure. The new law therefore aims to profoundly change the habits of consumers, who put their health at risk by consuming more and more ultra-processed foods with a high sugar, fat or salt content.

On the products to be avoided, one or more black octagons will be affixed, each with a particular mention: “excess sugars”, “excess total fats”, “excess saturated fats”, “excess calories” or “excess sodium “. Manufacturers are also required to report the presence of sweeteners and caffeine in foods and beverages covered by the law. In the first case, a legend must be inserted with a rectangular stamp indicating that it is a product “not recommended for children”. And if it contains caffeine, it must indicate: “avoid in children”.

Certain products such as common sugar, vegetable oils, nuts and common table salt will be exempt from wearing the label. According to a ShopApp study, two out of three Argentinian consumers say they are ready to change their habits taking this labeling into account.

A long-term fight…

According to the provisions of the law, it will first begin to apply to large manufacturers, then it will be the turn of SMEs in the agri-food sector, in February 2023. The non-labeled goods already manufactured, which are in warehouses supplier companies and in supermarket distribution centers, will continue to be sold while supplies last. The main companies in the sector have, however, requested a delay from the Ministry of Health, to start adding the black pellets only from next year. The objective is obviously to save time to adapt the formula of certain foods.

… to the results are equivocal

According to Argentine newspaper La Nacion, one of the first companies to sell the products with the new labels will be Coca-Cola. While this could be seen as good news, it also indicates that the company, which has already experienced these measures in other countries, did not mind changing its packaging. On the other hand, this means that the company does not plan, in the short term at least, to change the ingredients of its drinks.

However, according to a report by IPS Noticias, Chile, which was the first country in Latin America to impose such a label in 2016, has observed good results three years later: the consumption of sugary drinks has been reduced by 25%. Peru was the second country to follow this approach, and a study of habits indicates that 37% of the inhabitants of the capital Lima have stopped consuming products stamped with black octagons.

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