Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+: 3 questions before resubscribing

by time news

It’s almost homecoming time. And for some good resolutions. Some have finally decided to subscribe to a streaming platform. Others prefer to study each offer of video on demand with a magnifying glass. The opportunity to take stock before choosing.

Why do platforms increase their prices?

Amazon Prime Video announced it at the end of July, by press release: it plans to increase its prices in France, from September 15. In detail, they will increase from 5.99 to 6.99 euros per month and from 49 to 69.90 euros per year, the student offer will still increase to 35 euros instead of 24 euros per year. According to Amazon, this is all the result of an “increase in shipping costs”, an expansion of its catalog “with a number of Amazon Original series and films” and the addition of the “Roland-Garros tournament”. .

This increase comes after those of Netflix and Disney + The market leader increased, in 2021, its first “Essential” offer (1 screen, SD) to 8.99 euros per month instead of 7.99. Same observation for its “Standard” offers (2 HD screens) at 13.49 and “Premium” (4 HD screens) at 17.99. Previously, the prices were 12.99 and 15.99 per month respectively. In the wake of Netflix, Disney + is also experiencing an increase, in 2022, of 20 euros on its annual subscription and 2 euros per month. Results ? 8.99 instead of 6.99 euros and 89.99 and not 69.99 euros per year for four screens. Rationale? The arrival of Star, the more “adult” part of the platform.

Is it profitable to keep these subscriptions?

For an equivalent number of screens – two supports – Canal + is the most expensive with a monthly offer of 24.99 euros. In second position comes Netflix with 13.49 euros, then OCS with 10.99 euros and finally Salto at 9.99 euros. Prime Video and Disney + are shading them with their offer at 6.99 and 8.99 euros per month for three screens for one and four screens for the other. Apple TV is the big winner at 4.99 euros for five screens.

But the real question to ask: does the catalog measure up? Two platforms stand out: OCS and Netflix. The first, in addition to having its own channels, has a partnership with the Americans of HBO and Hulu which allows it to obtain unreleased releases: “Euphoria”, “The Handmaid’s Tale” (season 5 mid-September) “Game of Thrones” and its variation, “House of the Dragon” which started on August 22… The second, its programs stamped with the seal “only on Netflix” are a hit: “Peaky Blinders”, “Sandman”, “Stranger things” and recently, “ Uncoupled”…

How to save money?

Sharing its codes and subscription fees is commonplace but at the limit of legality. According to a study by Médiamétrie: 9 subscribers out of 10 would benefit those around them. Netflix threatens these fraudsters – estimated according to them at 100 million. But, for years, the company has never taken action. Why ? It is difficult to spot these free riders and the loss of subscribers would be too great for the brand which currently has 220 million followers worldwide.

On the Amazon side, in order to save time, the smartest plan to terminate their subscription quickly and then resume one before September 15. The increase intervening that at the time of renewal, they will remain at the old rate for one year. Another tip, go see the offers of certain operators. Orange, for example, offers an OCS and Netflix package for 12.99 euros per month for two screens. Advantageous when you know the cost of the OCS subscription for the same number of screens: 10.99 euros per month. And, much more profitable than the Canal + pack with this channel, Disney +, Netflix, OCS and StarzPlay at 34.99 euros per month, except for those under 26 who have to jump on the offer at 12.49 euros .

Finally, for those who no longer want to pay a single penny, there is a completely legal solution: go see what is happening on the side of free platforms such as, which offer free films, series, documentaries and magazines.

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