‘Rice Warts’ The little ones are easily infected if not prevented – Bizpromptinfo

by time news

Ripe warts are a disease thatCan be found in both adults and children.A and is a disease that can heal on its own But if it happened to the little one, thencreate a little annoyance Moreover, it is easy to contactwithout good protection Therefore, parents should putmind and take care of the little ones in the right wayand hygienic

Dr. Lilada Anantaramporn, pediatrician specializing in dermatology Pediatric Center Bangkok Hospital said The disease is called Molluscum Contagiosum Rice warts is a skin disease caused by infection.family virus Genus Molluscipox The incubation period ranges from 3 to 12 weeks. It can be transmitted from person to person. through direct contact between the skinskin and skin including sharing things like towels It can happen to people of all ages. It is most common in children aged 1-10 years.to receive treatment but useIt lasts for several months, about 6-12 months, depending on the severity of each.individual

The rice warts will look like blisters.semicircular convex or convex blisters are flesh-colored or coloredOpaque white, rather hard, smooth, oily skin, may have a dent in the center of the blister. If you poke and press the blister, you will get meat.opaque white like cooked rice The blisters may coexist in groups orarranged in a long line The little ones can be easily attached.no protection which at present there is no drugdirect treatment only because it can disappear by itself, but usemany months which treatment options help preventThe spread of the disease, including cold hijacking. Use cold liquid nitrogen. causing an ice circle around the blisterDestroying the wart may need to be repeated several times. or use a pointed device to indicate a blisterRice warts are cooked and pressed out (Molluscum Extraction) or use topical drugs to destroy cellsInfection and caution is not to pick, sheep, scratch the blister as it may cause infection.Bacteria can be complication in immunocompromised patientsValiant found a large blister orThe best prevention is to wash your hands frequently. Do not share things with others. Avoid the use of public touches.direct skin and do not come into contact with the infected personlack

Molluscum contagiosum

Caring for ripe rice wartsunder the supervision of a physicianSpecialized in a highly skilled andexperience only To help protect the little onesinfection from complicationsand recover from the disease quickly You can ask for more information.at Pediatric Center Bangkok Hospital Call 02-310-3006 02-755-1006 or call 1719 add Line @bangkokhospital

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