Found the 6th monkey pox patient is a female, professional Thai massage. Traveling from Qatar

by time news

26 Aug 2022- Dr. Opas Karn Kawinpong Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said that on August 24, 65, received a report from Phayakkhaphum Phisai Hospital, Maha Sarakham Province that a confirmed case of smallpox was a 21-year-old female, Thai nationality, to work as a Thai massage therapist. Qatar and on August 10, 65 began to have blisters in the genital area. On August 21, 65 returned to Thailand. and returned home to Maha Sarakham Province on August 22, 65 to see a doctor at Phayakkhaphum Phisai Hospital. found a clear water blister and the symptoms matched with the definition of suspected smallpox patients. Therefore, samples were collected and sent for testing. by the Department of Medical Sciences and from searching for close contacts A total of 28 contacts were found, divided into 4 high-risk and 24 low-risk.

“It can be concluded that the patient Have symptoms since living abroad While traveling, the patient showed a rash. just a little And stay in the shade. However, while traveling, patients have to protect themselves. by wearing a mask and maintain distance from other passengers This patient is the sixth patient in Thailand and the third female patient,” said Opas.

The global situation of chickenpox (as of Aug. 25, 65) has 46,047 confirmed cases of chickenpox, 15 deaths. The top five countries with the highest number of cases are the United States, 16,603, Spain, 6,318, and Brazil, 4,144. There are 3,350 cases in Germany and 3,207 in the UK, most of them in Europe. As for the smallpox situation in Thailand Found 6 cumulative confirmed cases, divided into 3 infections in countries with a history of contact with foreigners and 3 who have traveled from abroad. Currently, 4 have been cured and 2 are currently being treated. The high rate of confirmed cases 1-5 until the maturity of 21 days, a total of 44 patients had no symptoms. and was not infected with smallpox.

Dr. Opas added that Ask people to have confidence in the Thai public health system. whether it is screening, surveillance, disease prevention, and would like to emphasize that Chickenpox is not highly contagious or severe. Most of the infection is in the pustules on the skin while sick, so it is recommended that people especially those traveling to or from countries with smallpox outbreaks or residing abroad Avoid close contact with people who have fever, rash, blisters, pustules around the body. Wear a mask while in close contact with others. Wash your hands often with soapy water. Avoid contact with body secretions. not skin-to-skin contact not having sex with unknown people Eat clean, cooked food and don’t touch sick animals. If a person who has been in close contact with a smallpox patient or suspected symptoms such as a rash on the body, a raised blister, a clear blister, a blister, a scab after a fever, sore throat, headache, muscle pain Enlarged lymph nodes, etc., can be examined at a hospital near your home immediately. For more information, please contact the Department of Disease Control hotline at 1422.

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