VIDEO. Kiwi, this new social network based on your musical tastes that is a hit

by time news

A new kid made a splash at the top of App Store downloads this week. It’s about Kiwi, a social network created by the developer Wishroll, based on… his taste for music. The principle is simple: on the occasion of a notification per day, the user will have to send recently listened to music to his friends. The latter will be able to rate it in return, and participate in an overall user rating. This rating will appear on their profile, attesting to the quality of their musical tastes… or not. The rap journalist Mehdi Maïzi, very followed, has already joined the platform, displaying his tastes for Hamza, 2Pac or Beyoncé’s latest album.

It is also possible to leave an application window on its home screen, in order to see which songs our friends recommend during the day. Two limits however: the application is restricted to people with a Spotify or Apple Music account, and to Apple devices. Wishroll is currently working on an Android version, and to extend its social network to other music streaming services.

This application joins the spirit of BeReal, this social network which encourages its users to post a photo on the spot, without filter, at any time of the day. By pushing their members to be authentic, these two applications take the opposite view of so-called “classic” social networks, where users stage their publications more.

Kiwi, this new social network based on your musical tastes that is a hit

This application invites its users to share, once a day, one of their recently listened songs, which is then rated by its community. A concept that is already appealing on TikTok and on the App Store.

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