The great Kimmich debate – vaccination jerk instead of vaccination pressure – domestic politics

by time news

Bayern star Joshua Kimmich (26) triggered a huge debate with his confession not to be vaccinated!

Bayern boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (66), SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach (58) and even Merkel spokesman Steffen Seibert (61) publicly recommended that the national player get vaccinated, referring to his role model function.

Because: Kimmich stated that he still had concerns, especially with regard to possible long-term consequences of a vaccination. Hardly anyone is interested in this, says Kimmich, instead one is “stamped directly”. And: “It is often the case that you tend to feel pressured.”

► With that, Kimmich said what millions of Germans think and feel. Because over 30 percent of the population are still not vaccinated.

The reasons: In a study by the University of Hamburg, 74 percent of the unvaccinated stated that they were not completely convinced of the safety of the vaccine. 67 percent said they felt pressured.

And the fact is: Instead of convincing people with creative offers (e.g. Vaccination Fuffi, Bratwurst campaigns) and understanding information, politicians have relied fully on vaccination pressure in recent months.

► Free corona tests have been abolished.

Unvaccinated people have to pay extra if they want to go to a restaurant or the cinema under 3G conditions. In many places, unvaccinated citizens are completely locked out of libraries, cultural establishments and restaurants with the 2G rule.

The result? Devastating.

The number of first vaccinations has been falling for months. Last week there were only around 218,000 newcomers to the vaccine – a negative record.

Now politicians and experts are calling for an end to vaccination pressure! It takes an effective vaccination jolt.

The head of the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko), Prof. Thomas Mertens (71), describes the wave of criticism of Kimmich as “limitless nonsense”. Mertens to BILD: “We should better convince skeptics and unwilling ones with good arguments and easily accessible vaccination offers.”

Bundestag Vice Wolfgang Kubicki (69, FDP) is also calling for a change in strategy in BILD: “Away from threats to low-threshold and, if necessary, incentive-oriented vaccination offers.”

SPD parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich (62) relies on motivation and role models. “Celebrities who are vaccinated” admit that it is “a good measure”. Role models served to “increase the willingness to vaccinate”.

That is what the Bavarian grandees say

CEO Oliver Kahn (52): “First of all, it is important that we have a clear stance that we can only recommend that everyone get vaccinated. We underlined this through several campaigns. Ultimately, you have to respect that when one or the other has a different opinion. It is very important – and it is our duty as an association – to constantly show awareness. “

Club President Herbert Hainer (67): “FC Bayern is sustainably supporting the vaccination campaign. At the end of the day there is no compulsory vaccination with us. It is everyone’s decision and you have to accept that. Joshua Kimmich said yes, maybe he will also be vaccinated. I would be happy. “

Ex-President Uli Hoeneß (69): “I have an opinion about it, but I only tell him that myself.”

That’s why we don’t get vaccinated

I also do not want to have other Germans vaccinated and give reasons for this:

Radio presenter Freddy Holzapfel (43, “Radio saw”) from Leipzig: “I have not yet been vaccinated, although I am not a vaccination opponent. I am skeptical and have a bleeding disorder. It’s my very personal decision. The consequences in everyday life hurt. The opera ball on the weekend is canceled because of 2G. “

Pensioner Werner Billmann (70) from Munich has not yet been vaccinated either: “I simply do not consider the risk of Corona to be that high, even though I am 70 years old and have high blood pressure. The vaccines have only been approved under certain conditions so I will wait and see. I only do the mandatory tests under protest. I find it problematic that the vaccinated are no longer tested at all. “


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