The sex offender tried to have Ham released from prison

by time news

Tal Marciano, knitted news25.08.22 21:02 28 Bab Tishfav

The sex offender tried to have Ham released from prison

Tried Shaham (Flash90)

Today (Thursday) the Supreme Court rejected the appeal of the prosecutor’s office and ruled that Nisso Shaham, who was convicted of indecent acts and sexual harassment, will be released from prison today.

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Last March, Shaham was sent to ten months in prison, but the parole board of the Zalmon prison decided that he would be released early.

The attorney’s office appealed the court’s decision on the grounds that he did not deserve early release, did not take responsibility for his actions and did not undergo a rehabilitation program.

The prosecution also claimed that Shachem worked in very senior positions and was convicted of breach of trust, sexual offenses and having intimate relationships with female police officers who were subordinate to him, what is more, that Shachem has not undergone rehabilitation and continues to claim that his actions did not cross the criminal threshold.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court’s decision states that “the social report states that at the beginning of Shaham’s meetings with the treatment providers, he took limited responsibility for his actions. However, later on it was evident that he was ‘tormented’ by the consequences of his actions and stated that he would have done everything possible to prevent the victims from suffering.” .

However, in the opinion of BN it is written: “Shaham finds it difficult to take responsibility for his actions; Because his words are accompanied by distortions of thinking; Because he denied any criminal act in his behavior and denied any need for treatment. Based on the description of the respondent’s attitude towards his crimes, he was found unsuitable for a supervised rehabilitation program. However, at the end of the opinion it is written that he is not dangerous.”

Niso Shaham (Photo: Yonato Zindel/Flash90)

The decision to release him was made last week by a majority of two judges with one dissenting. The Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority objected to his early release and even found that Shaham is not even suitable for a rehabilitation program because he does not admit to his actions.

But even this did not convince the district judges who said that “although the mental health center made negative findings and the Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority opposes the release, but unlike the impression of the representatives of the Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority, the impression of the editors of the private program for his rehabilitation is that the prisoner takes full responsibility for his actions.”

The chairman of Naamat, Hagit Par, said that “the court’s decision is scandalous and will not contribute to public trust in the system.” This is a sex offender who initially received a lenient treatment and a light sentence and now receives an additional reward in the form of a shortened prison term. What a difficult message the Supreme Court is sending to the victims today. A good word, nevertheless, to the prosecutor’s office that did not give up and tried to fight the decision.”

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