Zaporizhia power plant reconnected again by Ukraine, which calls for an urgent IAEA inspection

by time news

Cover image: The Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, April 27, 2022. ED JONES / AFP

  • On the military front, the Ukrainian presidency reported on Friday, Russian strikes in the last 24 hours on the Kharkiv regions (one dead, three civilians injured), Donetsk (two dead and seven wounded, with fighting concentrated in particular on Bakhmout) and Dnipropetrovsk (no victim).
  • In the Luhansk region, “Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a base of the Russian occupiers” in the small town of Kadiivka, said the head of the regional military administration, Serhi Haïdaï. “The strike was so powerful that 200 Russian paratroopers [contraction de « Russe » et « fasciste » utilisée en Ukraine pour désigner les forces de Moscou] were killed “, according to Mr. Haïdaï. The information could not be confirmed by an independent source.
  • NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed on Friday the need for strengthen security on the Alliance’s northern flank to counter Russia. “The shortest route to North America for Russian missiles and bombers would be the North Pole”he warned in this regard.
  • Ukraine exported one million tons of grain since the conclusion of the agreement under the aegis of Turkey and the UN. Since the agreement was signed in Istanbul on July 22, 44 ships have left the port of Odessa, on the Black Sea, to deliver their cargoes to 15 countries, announced the Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • TotalEnergies announced in a press release on Friday to have reached an agreement with its Russian partner Novatek to sell its 49% stake to it in the Terneftegaz company which operates the Termokarstovoye gas field in Russia. Start of the week, The world revealed that this gas field had provided gas condensate transformed into kerosene which was able to supply Russian planes engaged in the conflict in Ukraine. TotalEnergies ensures that the transfer agreement was concluded on July 18, but was not validated until Thursday by the Russian authorities.
  • Energy prices have exploded in Europe and the continent is bracing for a harsh winter. Combined in particular with the difficulties encountered by the French nuclear fleet, this crisis brought wholesale electricity prices for 2023 in Germany and France to 995 and 1,100 euros per MWh on Friday, against 85 euros a year ago. . Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, whose country holds the presidency of the European Union, announced on Friday that he would convene “an emergency meeting of energy ministers”with the consent of the European Commission.

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Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Chat. Emmanuel Grynszpan: “The Russian population has no interest in a disaster occurring in Zaporizhia, but they have no say”

Decryptions. In the event of a nuclear accident at the Zaporijia power plant, the war will complicate the protection of populations

Tribune. “The energy crisis represents the greatest systemic risk for Europe”

Maintenance. Rafael Mariano Grossi: “We cannot add a nuclear accident to the tragedy of this war”

Tribune. Zoïa Svetova: “By abolishing tourist visas for Russians, Western officials want to definitively restore the Soviet Union”

Narrative. Zaporizhia nuclear power plant on the verge of disaster again

Decryptions. On Russian television, propaganda is less and less successful

The map of the war in Ukraine, day by day

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