What is this popular remedy against pain and what is it for?

by time news

The tiger balm It is an increasingly common remedy in the medicine cabinet of any self-respecting person. The data thus validate it, since this ointmentmade from plant extracts and characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine, already sells 66 million units a year.

However, this ointment, often used to relieve muscle pain, joint pain or headaches, remains largely unknown to many people. In fact, in Spain this product is not considered a medicineso it cannot include therapeutic claims on its labeling.

We tell you all about the Chinese remedy that triumphs throughout the world.

What is tiger balm?

The use of tiger balm originates from the Chinese traditional medicine. So, this home remedy was used specifically for treat muscle aches and headaches and received its characteristic name from the tiger to attribute characteristics such as the strength and vigor of this animal.

As they explain from the OCU, this ointment acts by “cheating” the nerve endings with warming and cooling sensations, thus relieving certain pains. And it is that, although the scientific evidence of the operation of this remedy is limited, there are certain indications that indicate that it could be useful to treat tension headaches or to increase blood flow on the legs, as long as it is combined with a massage.

Thus, it has become an ointment widely used by people around the world and even by elite athletes who use it to alleviate possible body pain they may suffer. In addition, many others use it to alleviate headaches, congestion and even insect bites.

What ingredients does tiger balm contain?

This Chinese remedy is made from plant extracts and mineral oils derived from petroleum, such as paraffin and petrolatum. Some of these ingredients, such as alcanfor or the bulbthey do reveal pharmacological properties, such as rubefacient effects.

In addition, it presents others such as cajuput, mint oil, clove oil and cinnamon oil that could also be included within this group of substances with biological properties.

However, its ingredients vary depending on the type of traditional tiger balm formulation: it can be red or white.

The red tiger balm, the most popular, is mainly made up of camphor (11%), menthol (10%), clove oil (5%) and cajuput oil (7%). In addition, to these ingredients are also added to a lesser extent some such as cinnamon oil, dementholized mint oil, paraffin and petrolatum. It is recommended to use it for relieve muscle pain.

For his part, the white tiger balm contains camphor (11%), menthol (8%), clove oil (1.5%), cajuput oil (13%), plus dementholized peppermint oil (16%), paraffin and petrolatum. This is more used to palliate the tension headache and congestion.

How to apply tiger balm according to the OCU

Learn to apply tiger balm it can be important when noting the possible therapeutic effects that its application may allow. Thus, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) explains how this Chinese remedy should be extended and what to avoid when applying it:

  • Take a small amount of balm on your fingers and massage the affected area

  • Wash hands after application

  • Avoid application in the area near the eyes, mouth, nostrils, vagina, rectum or penis

  • Do not apply before or after exposing the skin to humid and/or hot conditions.

  • Do not apply to open wounds or irritated, inflamed, reddened or dry skin.

  • It is recommended not to use it in children under 12 years of age and is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

side effects of tiger balm

This remedy is also not exempt from side effects, as is the case with other ointments. Thus, it can cause rednessitching, burning sensation, skin irritationit is included breathing difficulties when applied to the chest for congestion.

On the other hand, it can also cause allergies and there are even cases where these ointments have caused dermatitis due to ingredients such as eugenol, a fragrance classified as allergenic. Therefore, it is advisable to test a small amount on the forearm before applying it to the affected area.

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