What is the “rotary house” sign of the disease? Women have more symptoms than men, right? | Hfocus.org Health System Insights

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Vertigo is a common health problem among the elderly. But people at a younger age can develop this condition as well. By understanding most people will think. vertigo is caused by unequal water in the ear, but actually vertigo It can be a sign of other diseases too. Dr. Methis Chinachatchawarat, MD. Specialized in Otolaryngology Medical Center Group, Rajavithi Hospital Explain to Hfocus that the spinning house is a symptom. There are many signs of disease. can be caused by many reasons The patient will have symptoms similar to the surrounding environment. or feel that your body is spinning even though there is no movement Most are caused by 2 main reasons. 1. Caused by the central nervous system, brain, nerves, can be found less than 10 percent, but can cause a lot of harm to the patient’s body, such as ischemic stroke. or a brain tumor 2. Caused by the peripheral nervous system in the inner ear, found up to 90 percent, the disease is not life-threatening. But it will cause annoyance and discomfort with other symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting, tinnitus or ringing in the ears. The most common diseases include: 1. Limestone disease in the inner ear moving. 2. Water in the ear is not equal. 3.Inflammation of the balance nerve, it can be seen that the ear diseases are not equal. It’s not the only disease that can cause vertigo. Other symptoms must also be observed, such as decreased hearing or tinnitus.

As for the age of vertigo, Dr. Methis revealed that aged 50 years and over are at risk of developing vertigo. Because it is the age when other diseases can be found, but must be careful is the blood vessels in the brain. That often comes with diabetes, high blood pressure, women are also more likely to experience vertigo than men. As for people under the age of 50, this condition can occur. If you have had a head impact or have had an ear infection, however, certain medications can also cause vertigo, such as tranquilizers and sleeping pills, which can cause dizziness. The more stress the patient has, the greater the risk of developing this condition as well.

“If vertigo occurs when lying down, it can be a sign of calcification of the inner ear. But if it’s time to get up quickly, it’s caused by low blood pressure while changing positions. Some people may feel like a revolving house. or dizziness Signs of a dangerous disease that require immediate medical attention include vertigo with neurological symptoms such as weakness in the limbs, distorted mouth, slurred speech, facial numbness, numbness, decreased hearing. If you have any of these symptoms, get tested to see if you have a central nervous system disease or a brain disease. Cerebral ischemia may occur. especially the elderly with congenital diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure,” said Dr. Methis, with advice on health care. how to take care of health You should get enough sleep to avoid stress. When vertigo occurs, you should take a break for a while. Sit or close your eyes until symptoms improve. You should not move your body too quickly or change your posture too quickly. Try to slow down your routine. Especially the elderly who must be careful not to fall from the revolving house. which may cause more harm to the body When vertigo occurs regularly, you should see a doctor for further diagnosis and treatment.

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